Surgery Congress 2019
Journal of Advanced Surgical Research | ISSN: 2591-7765 | Volume 3
Page 17
July 22-23, 2019 | Brussels, Belgium
International Conference and Expo on
Diaa Eddin Mustafa Jaber
Mustafa Jaber
Jordan University Hospital, Jordan
Clinical & Pathological Evaluation:
Acute abdomen with a mixture of modern radiographic images, diagnos-
tic laboratory investigations and clinical observation such as (McBurney’s triangle manifestations with rebound
tenderness). All these signs suggest firmly acute appendicitis with mucosal viral or bacterial infection within
the narrow lumen of appendix leading to luminal obstruction and this leads to increase the mucosal secretions
and inflammatory exudates which increase the intraluminal pressure obstructed lymphatic drainage. Edema
and mucosal ulceration develop with bacterial transudation to the submucosa. Resolution may occur at this
point either spontaneously or in response to antibiotics.
Progressive Complications:
The condition may progress, further distention of the appendix may cause ve-
nous obstruction leading to ischemia of appendicular wall and this leads to more bacterial invasion in muscu-
laris propria and submucosa producing acute appendicitis. Ischemic necrosis of appendix may produce gan-
grenous appendicitis with free bacterial contamination of the peritoneal cavity and greater omentum and
other complications such as peritonitis, appendicular abscess, gangrenous appendicitis with perforation etc.
Etiology (Predisposing factors) obstruction of the appendiceal orifice by faecolith (Composed of fecal material,
calcium, phosphate, bacteria and epithelial debris). Rarely a foreign body is incorporated in faecolith such as
grapes, apple, chili, orange, sesame and or guava seeds etc. Fibrosis, parasites (Particularly oxyuris vermicularis)
and carcinoma of the caecum.
Traditional Treatment:
Till now appendectomy is the first line treatment of appendicitis as all medical refer-
ences claims.
In the last 10 years, following a deep understanding of the onset of appendicitis and the whole
process of complications, author tried certain steps of treatment (Jaber Maneuver) for about 300 patients and
a all of them resolve in his private clinic without any surgical intervention with a 100% ratio of success (Males
and females of different ages).
Diaa Eddin Mustafa Jaber et al., Adv Surg Res 2019, Volume 3
Diaa Eddin Mustafa Jaber practiced medicine as a general practitioner since 1976, he was born in Palestine on 1947 and graduated
from the faculty of medicine– Cairo University on 1975 with MBBCh Degree in medicine and became a consultant in modern med-
icine on 1985. He holds many certificates of completion in training programs by the Jordanian Medical Council (JMC) and foreign
medical establishments in seven different topics. He has over than 28 researches and discoveries in medicine about Alopecia totalis,
autism, deaf-mutes, cerebral palsy, atrophy and demyelination, scleroderma, hormonal deficiency (AMH), infantile uterus, pinpoint
ext., ovarian cysts and fibroids treatment without surgery, elevated testes treatment without surgery. He attended and participated
as a speaker in some medical international congresses like Cleveland clinic foundation about minimally invasive valve surgery, the
1st Mediterranean Congress of sexual dysfunction in Cairo, In XV World Congress of Sexology in Paris and Heart beat international
program for international accurate ECG with modern communication methods and value-added programs of dermatology (VAPs
–D) Pfizer in Egypt.