Surgery Congress 2019
Journal of Advanced Surgical Research | ISSN: 2591-7765 | Volume 3
Page 13
July 22-23, 2019 | Brussels, Belgium
International Conference and Expo on
JNA is a histopathologically benign, highly vascular tumor and
seen exclusively in adolescent males involving the nasopharynx, anterior
skull base, pterygoid-infratemporal fossa and other areas. It comprises 0.05%
of total head and neck tumors. This paper deals with the authors experience
of 32 such cases treated between 1990–2006 and 2007-2011 in two different
institutes. Ten different approaches have been designed and adopted with
and without the use of laser.
Depends exclusively on tumour extension. Advantages, disadvan-
tages of these approaches and its role in complete removal and prevention
of recurrences of these tumours will be discussed.
Materials & Methods:
No. of cases (1990- 2006) - 31case and from (2007-
2011) - 1 case, Mean age: 16.8 yr (Youngest 12 & oldest 35 yrs). Preoperative
Embolization - 18 cases. Ten different approaches have been adopted. Trans-
palatal lateral rhinotomy:2, Midfacial degloving:5, Biller’s lateral Rhinotomy:6,
Craniofacial resection:3, Frontotemporal craniotomy:3, Endoscopic transna-
sal transpalatal:6, endoscopic approach with or without ECA clamping:5, Le
Fort Type 1 osteotomy:2.
All the approaches has given adequate exposure for complete exci-
sion excepting the one in craniofacial group where tumour could not be ex-
cised completely because of involvement of cavernous sinus. Paper will also
highlights the Endoscopic and Le-Fort type 1 approach in tumours, involving
the anterior skull base where the external incision can be avoided and same
is greatly preferred by the patients.
Surgical excision of both nasopharyngeal, anterior skull base
and extra nasopharyngeal JNA tumors almost always requires a combination
of approaches. However, endoscopic assisted surgery with or without the use
of laser for this type of skull base tumour may be going to be the preferred
approach for many authors because of patient’s compliance.
P Hazarika, Adv Surg Res 2019, Volume 3
P Hazarika Fellow of UICC is currently working as
an otolaryngologist in NMC Specialty Hospital
in Abu Dhabi, UAE. He is a former Professor and
Head and Director of Post Graduate studies of the
Department of Otorhinolaryngology in Kasturba
Medical College, Manipal, India. He has 23 years
of clinical teaching experience both at the under-
graduate and postgraduate levels, with over 80
publications in various national and international
journals. He was selected as international guest
scholar by the American College of Surgeon in
1986 and has travelled widely to the US, Austra-
lia, UK, Malaysia, Switzerland and Mauritius on
various fellowship programs. He has taken up an
overseas assignment as a consultant and Head of
the Department of ENT, Armed Forces Hospital in
Kuwait. He was also Chairman of Editorial Board
of Indian Journal of Otolaryngology from 1996
to 1999. He was appointed as external accessor
by University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
from August 2000-April 2005. He had done pio-
neering work in Surgical Rehabilitation of alaryn-
geal patients.
produl_ent@rediffmail.comP Hazarika
NMC Specialty Hospital, UAE