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March 18-19, 2019 | London, UK
World Congress on
Anxiety, Depression and Stress Management
Journal Clinical Psychiatry and Cognitive Psychology | Volume 3
Get out to get in: Walk Therapy as an innovative approach to treating anxious and depressed men
Aaron Rochlen
University of Texas at Austin, USA
he health benefits of exercise on reducing levels of anxiety,
depression, and stress have been well-documented in
the literature. Similarly, while efficacy questions remain,
the core purpose of psychotherapy is centered on symptom
reduction, often in the areas of anxiety, depression, and stress
management. In this invited presentation, Dr. Aaron Rochlen, a
Professor of Counseling Psychology and Licensed Psychologist
describes a promisingway of integrating exercise and traditional
talk-therapy via Walk Therapy. As a Licensed Psychologist, Dr.
Rochlen has been engaged in walk therapy for approximately 4
years, concentrating onworking withmen and adolescent boys.
Dr. Rochlen is also a nationally recognized scholar in men and
depression, fathering, and working with counseling resistant,
traditional men. Formerly, he was President of the Division
of Men and Masculinities of the American Psychological
Association. While research in this area is limited, his work and
this presentation outlines creative benefits of walk therapy that
has been found appealing and beneficial to therapy-resistant
populations. This presentation includes case material shared
to illustrate and integrate different theoretical components
of counseling, including Gestalt and Existential therapy.
The presentation will also address relevant ethical issues,
multicultural considerations, and cautions to practice.