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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 4
September 03-04, 2019 | London, UK
Spine and Spinal Disorders
International Conference on
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res, Volume 4
etastatic epidural spinal cord compression (MESCC) is
a spinal emergency with the potential for devastating
consequences if not promptly diagnosed and treated.
A multidisciplinary approach including medical oncology,
radiation oncology, and spinal surgery is imperative. Surgery is
effective in prolonging ambulation for patients by preserving
neurological function; surgery may also play a role in spinal
stability, pain control and local control. However surgical
management is only realistic in selected patients taking into
account the patient’s overall condition, systemic disease
and tumour biology. Radiation therapy and radiotherapy are
alternative therapy options. A management paradigm with
clear aims is essential to aid the decision making process.
Speaker Biography
Rafid Al-Mahfoudh is an appointed Consultant Neurosurgeon and Complex
Spine Surgeon in Brighton and London. He is senior lecturer at the University
of Brighton. He is one very few surgeons with dual orthopaedic and
Neurosurgical spine accreditation in addition to further specialist fellowship
training in anterior skull base andminimally invasive neurosurgery in Adelaide
and New York. He has extensive experience in treating the full spectrum of
spinal disorders, pituitary tumours and endoscopic neurosurgical techniques.
He is active academically with over 40 articles in peer-reviewed journals. He
hascompletedanMSc inSurgicalScienceandPracticefromOxfordUniversity.
of Surgery and member of the British association of Spine Surgeons, Society
of British Neurological Surgeons and European Association of Neurological
Surgeons He has specialist interest in degenerative spine disorders, spine
tumours, trigeminal neuralgia, hydrocephalus and brain tumours.
rafid@spineandbrain.co.ukRafid Al-Mahfoudh
Brighton and Sussex University Hospital, UK
Decision making in Metastatic epidural Spinal Cord compression