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International Conference on

Recycling and Waste Management

October 03-04, 2019 | Melbourne, Australia

Journal of Environmental Waste Management and Recycling | Volume: 02

China’s metal demand and apparent future on sustainability: The case of copper and


Disna Eheliyagoda, Xianlai Zeng


Jinhui Li

Tsinghua University, China


rban mining and circular economy are popular

concepts used in the development of sustainable

metal consumption strategies in China since recent two

decades. China produces and consumes a vast number of

elements in the periodic table pushing resource demand

into unchartered waters. Copper and aluminium are well-

known and indispensable major metals in the modern

Chinese society and their rapid growing demand is

expected to continue without sign on sooner decrease in

next three decades. Thus, this study intends to: (1) inspect

historical pattern of supply and demand, (2) project

demand until 2050, and (3) examine resource sustainability

prospects under different recycling rates regarding copper

and aluminium in China. Linear regression modeling and

scenario analysis were adopted in future projections while

using time-series analysis throughout the research. There

could be seen rising trends in the copper and aluminium

supply and demand from 1950 to 2015 disclosing almost

an exponential growth after 2000. Forecasts of the

scenario analysis demonstrate that both metal demand

will continuously increase between 2015 and 2030,

and thereafter, either become stable or decline slightly

except at the stable demand growth scenario. Research

results indicate that China’s current trajectory with

regard to copper demand is unsustainable. Recycling is a

suitable practice to reduce primary resource consumption

which would be more supported to achieve the circular

economy; however, it is challenging in application due to

high copper use in China which struggles to concern on

imports. Furthermore, the results of aluminium encourage

increasing the recycling rate approximately at 40-50%

which may help China to acquire self- sustaining goal by

2050 regarding aluminium. Inadequacies in discarded

product collection and existing policies hinder the progress

of internal recycling industry which would be carefully

addressed to maintain the future sustainability of copper

and aluminium resources in China.

Speaker Biography

Disna Eheliyagoda is currently a doctoral candidate in Environmental

Science and Engineering in Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Her

PhD research focuses on “Resource carrying capacity and criticality

assessment of copper and aluminium in China.” Not only that but she

has also published a few articles on investigation of other critical metals,

i.e. gallium and nickel, sustainability via end-of-life recycling parallel to

her doctoral studies. She obtained her BS (Hons.) in Environmental

Sciences and Natural Resources Management majoring Earth and

Environmental Sciences at Faculty of Applied Sciences, Sabaragamuwa

University of Sri Lanka. While working as a junior researcher with

“Chemical and environmental modelling research group” at National

Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka, she completed her

BS research on “Characterization of dissolved organic carbon in open

dump leachate.” After graduation, she joined to International Union

for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) to assist

“Mangroves for the Future” project. After one year working period,

she started her Master’s studies in Environmental Management.

She obtained her MS at Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of

Colombo, Sri Lanka. While studying as a Master’s student, she worked

as a consultant in urban waste management which is related to her MS

degree and she also performed an assessment in cleaner production

and industrial ecology. After MS graduation, she worked as a full-time

consultant at Research Unit, the Open University of Sri Lanka and a

visiting lecturer in Environmental Studies until joining as a doctoral

scholar to School of Environment, Tsinghua University, China in 2017.
