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Journal of Environmental Waste Management and Recycling | Volume: 02
International Conference on
Recycling and Waste Management
October 03-04, 2019 | Melbourne, Australia
Mervat El-Hoz
University of Balamand Faculty of Engineering, Lebanon
Municipal Solid Waste Management practices and its relation to
Climate Change
unicipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) has
become one of themost complex global environmental
issues for urban areas in different countries of the world. It
was considered the third largest source of methane in the
environment, accounting for approximately 3-4% of global
anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. MSW is a very
complex system, and misuse of any technology or disposal
may contaminate soil and water with chemicals and lead
to climate change. This paper examines the challenges of
MSWM faced by developed and developing countries and
how policies are implemented in practice. Investigations
have been conducted to understand the factors and barriers
affecting the MSWM in developing countries and the causes
that make developed countries successful in this sector. Low-
income countries have the highest proportion of organic
waste, while in high-income countries; it mostly consists
of inorganic substances. The study found that IMSWM has
many stakeholders and municipalities are subject to social,
political, institutional, financial, economic and technical
factors as well as land availability. By addressing all these
factors, municipalities should move to the smart waste
treatment, which includes the circular economy approach to
their waste policies. Solid waste minimization, separation at
the source and recycling should be implemented, given the
high rates of recyclable materials. Any technology should take
into account appropriate infrastructure, pollution control
system, maintenance, development and follow-up of the
requirements and regulations of the country. Achieving that
will not be easy and the involvement of all stakeholders and
with full coordination among themwill be required.
Speaker Biography
Mervat El-Hoz is the Chairperson of Environmental Engineering Program at
the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University
of Balamand, Lebanon. She graduated from the Middle East Technical
University, Turkey as Environmental Engineer and obtained her PhD from
the University of Sydney, Australia in the same field. She received many
international and national Honors and Awards in the field of Solid Waste
Management and Environmental in general. She is Author of over 100
scientific publications in international journals and conference proceedings:
scientific papers, key-note speaker lectures, chapters in books and technical
reports. She is a member of the Editorial Board of many International
Journals, and scientific committees in international conferences 2002.
She is a guest lecturer at various universities in the United States and the
Arab countries. She served as senior environmental expert at the World
Bank, Council for Development and Reconstruction on Solid Waste /
Environmental Management, Lebanon (1998 – 2002); as an environmental
expert, local coordinator, technical leader and trainer for EU, UNDP, and
USAID projects in solid waste, water, wastewater, and air pollution.