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Journal of Biotechnology and Phytochemistry| Volume: 2

December 03-04, 2018 | Dubai, UAE

Recycling and Waste Management



International Conference on

Recycling business in the 21st century

Michael Padi

Ghana Meteorological Agency, Ghana


rom the layman’s view Recycling would be seen to start

from the homes but for the scientist it will be seen to start

in the factory. It is a kind of a good practice to the environment.

Recycling has started solving part of the environmental and

atmospheric problems which we may not see now but would

benefit the future generations. Sometime ago, metals were

removed from the ground before planting crops, especially

around homes. They do not know where to dispose them off

but now it is very difficult to findmetals just lying on the ground.

Metals, in any form have now been turned into money and

people are chasing metals for business. Used plastics have also

been turned into businesswherepeople go roundandpickused

water sachets and sell in the name of recycling. These are forms

of ways by which our environment is been cleaned up, towns

andcities arebeenparadedby individuals in thesearchofmetals

and plastics. There is also a custom in Ghana which uses beads

in celebrating a yearly occasion so recycling of broken bottles

into beads have been their main occupation in that community.

Organic components in thewaste thatwouldbe leftafter sorting

out metals, plastics, and bottles can be used to fertilize crops.
