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May 20-21, 2019 | Rome, Italy
Journal Clinical Psychiatry and Cognitive Psychology | Volume 3
Psychiatry 2019
International Conference on
Arvin Hedayati
Hafez Hospital, Iran
30-40% of dermatology patients suffer frompsychiatric and psychosocial comorbidity. The skin is both a source
and a target of immune-modulatory mediators of psychological stress response. Effective management of the
psychiatric comorbidities involves management of the dermatologic condition and vice versa. Psycho-cuta-
neous disorders are generally classified into two major categories: Dermatological symptoms of psychiatric
disorders (such as skin-picking, hair-pulling disorder and delusions of parasitosis) and psychiatric symptoms of
dermatological disorders. This category has been further subdivided into three groups: Disorders that have a
primary dermato-pathological presentation (like psoriasis; atopic dermatitis; urticaria and angioedema; alope-
cia areata; acne, lichen planus, vitiligo, viral warts and rosacea) but can be influenced by psychological factors;
disorders that represent an accentuated physiological response (e.g. hyperhidrosis, blushing); disorders that
result in an emotional reaction primarily as a result of the social stigma associated with the disease. What
is important is that most patients require a comprehensive biopsychosocial approach that typically includes
both psychopharmacological treatments and psychotherapeutic interventions (e.g. expressive writing, cogni-
tive-behavioral therapy, including habit reversal therapy and dialectical behavior therapy). The anti-inflamma-
tory effect of SSRIs put them in a specific situation in management of psycho-dermatologic disorders specially
ones that their basic elements are anxiety or depression. Antipsychotics and benzodiazepines are the other
choices among psychotrops. Biofeedback and hypnosis are the other effective methods for management of
psychiatric comorbidities. In some dermatological patients with psychiatric comorbidities, certain biologics
may also have a direct antidepressant effect; such as antidepressant effect of infliximab. It is important to con-
sider the possibility of psychiatric disorder in dermatologic patients. The more we know about psycho-cutane-
ous medicine, we can select the better managements.
Arvin Hedayati, J Clin Psychiatry Cog Psychol 2019, Volume 3
Arvin Hedayati has completed her MD from Shiraz University, Iran. She studied psychiatry in this University. She continued her
studying in the field of Psychosomatic in Tehran University, Iran. She is the Mental Health Advisor of Deputy of Health of Shiraz Uni-
versity. She has over 50 publications and her publication H-index is 6 and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of
E-medical Journal