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Pediatric Healthcare & Pediatric Infections 2017
September 20-22, 2017 | Toronto, Canada
Karim Sedky
Rowan University, USA
Sleep disordered breathing and psychiatric disorders in the pediatric population:
Meta-analytic review
leep disordered breathing (SDB) includes primarily;
snoring, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and obstructive
hypoventilation syndrome. This disorder has been linked
to increased prevalence of weight gain, diabetes mellitus,
strokes and even heart disease in the adult population.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a
common disorder in children and/or adolescent population
manisfesting in hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity.
Additionally, depressive disorders are also not uncommon
in this population and are usually present in the form of
sadness or irritability, sleep and appetite problems, suicidal
tendencies, concentration issues or lack of enjoyment in
activities. The aim of this discussion is to explore, if there is
a relationship between SDB and the prevalence of attention
deficit hyperactivity and depressive symptoms in the
pediatric population. Since adenotonsillectomy (AT) is the
main treatment for OSA, a meta-analysis of the effect of AT
on the ADHD and depressive symptoms are reviewed.
Speaker Biography
Karim Sedky has completed his Medical School at Alexandria University, Egypt.
He completed his Master’s degree in Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology from
the University of Louisiville, Louisville, KY. He gained his training in both General
Psychiatry as well as Child and Adoelscent Psychiatry after completing his training at
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. He is a Professor of Psychiatry and is the Medical
Student Education Director at CMSRU. He has published more than 30 papers in
reputable journals and has been serving as Chief Editor for the Journal of Sleep and
Sleep Disorder Journal Research and on the Editorial Board for few other journals. His
main interest is focused on the effects of sleep and sleep disorders and its relation to
psychiatry disorders in children and adolescent population.