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April 17-18, 2019 | Frankfurt, Germany
Parkinson’s, Huntington’s & Movement Disorders
International Conference on
Journal of Brain and Neurology | Volume 3
Effects of cyclic AMP on the differentiation and bioenergetics of rat C6 glioma cells
Ahmed Hisab
South Denmark University, Denmark
levation in the level of intracellular cAMP is
known to induce astrocytic differentiation
of C6 glioma cells by unknown mechanisms.
Therefore, cytoskeletal protein genes (phalloidin)
fluorescents to investigate morphological changes,
cell proliferation assay, MTT assay, flow cytometry,
western blotting, in-cell western, immune-
cytochemical (protein expression and localization),
and oxygen electrodes (oxygen consumption rate)
after a treatment with 0.25mM dbcAMP were
conducted. Undifferentiated cells (media without
dbcAMP) showed a flat polygonal appearance,
whereas those cultured in the presence of
0.25mM dbcAMP exhibited a more differentiated
astrocytic morphology. They had more numerous
neurite-like thin processes. The cell proliferation of
differentiated c6 glioma reduced at day 2 and then
started to increase at day 3 till day 5 compared to
undifferentiated c6 glioma cells. In terms of flow-
cytometry data, dbcAMP had no apoptotic effect
on the C6 glioma cells. There was an increase in
the protein expression GFAP (specific marker for
astrocytes). There was no significant effect between
undifferentiated and 5-day differentiation regarding
their response to glucose 10mM. In addition, there
were no significant effects of glucose on the basal
of 5-day differentiation of C6 glioma cells. However,
there was a significant correlation between the
concentration of glucose and inhibition of the basal
oxygen consumption. Finally, glucose 10mM did
not stimulate NAD (P)H levels of C6 glioma cells.
The above results showed that cAMP induce C6
glioma cells differentiation without affecting its
bioenergetics. Therefore cAMP is considered to be
the best differentiating agent.
Speaker Biography
Ahmed Hisab have completed his MPhil in Pharmacology and cell
Physiology at the age of 32 years from Nottingham University, UK. He
is a master student in computational biomedicine of South Denmark
University, Denmark. He has published over 6 publications in very
scientific journals.