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Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 3
December 02-03, 2019 | Dubai, UAE
Oil & Gas
International Conference and Expo on
n oil wells where viscosity of the crude is very high (heavy
oil), steam is injected to increase the fluidity and mobility
of the oil. This steam injection requires large quantities of
water, generally transported from nearby fields. In some
oilfields in the Gulf region, and around the world, the water-
bearing sandstone is highly fragmented. Sand screens made
of carbon-steel do not provide reliable sand control, as they
quickly undergo quite serious corrosion. Some oilfields
have started to try out non-metallic materials (such as
strengthened polymers) because of their non-corroding
nature. Based on a hit-and-trial approach, around 15% wells
have reported failure due to screen collapse. In collaboration
with a regional petroleum development company, an
experimental testing facility was designed and developed at
Sultan Qaboos University for integrity assessment of large-
diameter hard polymeric pipes. This included design and
construction of the test setup and jigs and fixtures, together
with a compatible testing scheme. Following procedures
set forth by international standards, polymer pipes had to
go through a 2-3-month ageing process before mechanical
testing, in brine solution matching the salinity of the water
field. For testing under compressive loads, a fixture was
developed for the pipes to be tested on a heavy-duty
universal testing machine, using several sets of strain gages
to record dynamic behavior in axial and hoop directions.
A full-scale test facility was designed and constructed to
determine collapse strengths of polymer pipes of around
6-m length, using steel pipes of 16-in diameter as outer
casings. Apart from the scientific contribution, findings from
this work can serve as prequalification of polymer pipes for
appropriate fields, and result inmajor savings in cost and time.
Speaker Biography
Sayyad Zahid Qamar is currently associated with the Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering Department, Sultan Qaboos University (SQU),
Muscat, Oman. He has over 25 years of academic and research
experience in different international universities. He has also worked
as a professional mechanical engineer in the field for over 6 years in the
heavy engineering and fabrication industry. He has also been actively
involved in research and accreditation work related to engineering
education. His research areas are Applied materials and manufacturing,
Applied mechanics and design, Reliability engineering and Engineering
education. As part of the Applied Mechanics and Advanced Materials
Research group (AM2R) at SQU, he has been involved in different
applied research funded projects in excess of 4 million dollars. He
has over 200 research/technical publications to his credit (2 research
monographs/books, 2 edited book volumes, 6 book chapters, 160
publications in refereed international journals and conferences, and 36
technical reports). He is currently editing one volume (Renewability of
Synthetic Materials) for the Elsevier Encyclopaedia of Renewable and
Sustainable Materials. He has served as Associate editor, Guest editor,
and Member editorial board for different research journals (including
Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Journal of Elastomers and
Plastics, The Journal of Engineering Research, etc).
sayyad@squ.edu.omSayyad Zahid Qamar
Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman
Integrity assessment of polymer pipes in petroleum drilling
Sayyad Zahid Qamar
, J Ind Environ Chem, Volume:3
DOI: 10.35841/2591-7331-C3-013