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Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing | Volume 2
J Intensive Crit Care Nurs, Volume 2
October 24-25, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland
2nd European
Nursing Congress
International Conference on
Clinical Nursing & Practice
Joint Event
he role of advanced practice nurses (APNs) with post
baccalaureate graduate education in providing high
quality patient care is increasingly recognized around the
world. In the context of an aging population, technological
advances, and highly specialized patient care, it is vital for
nurses to be prepared for an advanced rolewith greater scope
of practice and complexity. In many countries, the role of
advanced practice nursing is well established while in others
it is still developing. While some countries have adopted the
American model of APN, other countries have developed its
own path in establishing the role of advanced practice nursing
based on specific legislative and local requirements.
This presentation will allow an audience to take a brief glance
at the author’s personal journey into the role of a Neonatal
Nurse Practitioner and learn about:
• APN background
• APN educational preparation and educational requirements
for APN in different countries
• APN scope of practice
• APN specialties
• Comparison of the APN role in different countries
• Comparison of the care provided by APNs and physicians
• Future of APN.
Speaker Biography
Aksana Waskosky has practiced as a neonatal nurse since 2007. She
completed her bachelor’s degree at the University of Texas at Austin
and received her Neonatal Nurse Practitioner and Master’s in Science of
Nursing from the University of South Alabama. In 2013, she graduated
with a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from the University of South
Alabama and accepted a neonatal nurse practitioner position at University
of Indiana where she still has been practicing as an NNP. She started
teaching at the University of Indianapolis in 2016, and, currently, is a
track coordinator of NNP program and a full-time graduate faculty at the
University of Indianapolis, Indiana. Dr. Waskosky has been published in
the “Neonatal Network” journal, and, along with her colleagues, wrote
a chapter in a Neonatal Pathophysiology for Advanced Practice Nurses
textbook. She is passionate about her little patients and her students. She
also loves to ice-skate, cook, and travel.
waskoskya@uindy.eduAksana Waskosky
University of Indianapolis, USA
The Role of Advanced Practices Nursing in Patient Care