Volume 2, Issue 3 2017
Journal of Medical Oncology and Therapeutics
Dermatologists & Melanoma 2017
August 31-September 01, 2017
Page 54
Euro-Global Congress on
August 31-September 01, 2017 London, UK
Global Dermatologists Congress
Melanoma and Skin Diseases
Non-invasive (ELF-EM) waves technique for accelerating healing of infected burns
Mostafa Elnakib
Cairo University, Eygpt
Statement of the Problem:
The skin, one of the largest organs in the body, performs numerous vital functions, provides
primary protection against infection by acting as a physical barrier. When this barrier is damaged, pathogens can directly
infiltrate the body, resulting in infection. The numerous pathogens that infect the wound are either Gram positive, Gram
negative or Fungi. These pathogens are notable for their increasing resistance to a broad array of antimicrobial agents.
The aim of this study was to demonstrate a new method for the control of bacterial growth, through ELF-EM pulses at
resonance frequency with the bioelectric signals generated from the microbe during cell division.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation:
Patients were screened for fulfillment of the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Medical history, physical examination, Local and systemic signs and symptoms of infection, wound description and vital
signs were evaluated. Bacteriological assessment as a swab was collected from infected site(s) before and after each session, for
culture and identification of the causative pathogen, without the patient received antibiotic regimen. Patient was exposed to
one session every other day till complete eradication of causative pathogen of the infection with an average of four exposure
sessions, duration of each session depends on the causative organisms.
It was noticed and reported that the exposure of the infected burns, not only accelerated healing but also, accelerated
bio-compatibility in cases of grafting.
The resonance frequency of ELF-EMwaves that inhibit bacterial growth is a promising method for the treatment
of infected burn.
Mostafa Elnakib, MD Microbiology and Immunology, is a Consultant of Infection Prevention Control. He is also the Member of clinical trial team for assessment of
the Non-Invasive (ELF-EM) waves technique, for accelerating healing of infected burns, to create new pathways for improving healthcare after years of working in
research. This approach is important to change the policy of bacterial skin infection in different lesions and make a great benefit to all health care workers by this
new way of treatment to alleviate the suffering of patients and give them hope in rapidly healing.
moselnakib@yahoo.comMostafa Elnakib, J Med Oncl Ther 2017, 2:3