Volume 2, Issue 3 2017
Journal of Medical Oncology and Therapeutics
Dermatologists & Melanoma 2017
August 31-September 01, 2017
Page 65
Euro-Global Congress on
August 31-September 01, 2017 London, UK
Global Dermatologists Congress
Melanoma and Skin Diseases
Turmeric and the wound healing – beyond tradition
Marjan Farshadi
Giamed Co., Canada
ound healing is a complex process that involves several phases that range from coagulation, inflammation, accumulation
of fundamental elements, to proliferation, formation of fibrous tissues and collagen, contraction of wound and formation
of granulation tissue and scar. Rhizome of Curcuma longa L. (common name: turmeric), the main spice of curry, has been
used traditionally as a wound healing agent. Researchers around the world have studied the effect of curcumin, the most
active ingredient of turmeric, for many years due to its bio-functional properties, especially antioxidant, radical scavenger,
antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities, which play a critical role in the wound healing process. Furthermore, curcumin
stimulated the production of the growth factors involved in the wound healing process, and so curcumin also enhanced the
management of wound restoration. Studies have provided evidence of the ability of curcumin to reduce the body's natural
response to cutaneous wounds such as inflammation and oxidation. The recent literature on the wound healing properties of
curcumin has also shown that curcumin has the ability of enhancing granulation tissue formation, collagen deposition, tissue
remodeling and wound contraction. It has also been reported that curcumin modulates wound healing
in vitro
in a biphasic
dose response manner i.e. may be stimulatory at low doses and inhibitory at higher doses. Curcumin was reported to facilitate
fibrinolysis and cellular migration during wound healing by modifying urokinase plasminogen activator expression. Studies
to date have shown that compared to its oral administration, topical application of curcumin has more noticeable effects on
wound healing due to the greater accessibility of the drug at the wound site. I will be reviewing the effect of curcumin on the
wound healing, proposed mechanisms of action, and different curcumin-based cutaneous products and their effect on the
wound healing.
Marjan Farshadi has her expertise in science-based natural remedies. After years of experience in research, natural health, medicine and pharmaceuticals, she
established a research-based company to continue in-depth research and development of natural health products based on scientific evidences. Increasing interest
in natural health remedies, weak regulations and manufacturing of natural health products by non-science-based settings can lead to serious conditions. She is
determined to fill the gap and connect natural health products to science.
marjan@giamed.caMarjan Farshadi, J Med Oncl Ther 2017, 2:3