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Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume: 3
March 20-21, 2019 | London, UK
Materials Science and Materials Chemistry
International Conference on
An analysis of barriers for minimizing embedded energy in the construction materials
Sampath P Dayaratne
G H Samadhi Wickremathillake
Ace Property and Business Consultants, Sri Lanka
apid increase of population, consumer demand increased.
As a result, production has increased tomeet the consumer
demand while operate in the competitive market. At the
production stage of brick manufacturing, it is a requirement
SMEs to consider the impact to the environment. It is necessary
to protect the natural environment for the purpose of organism
preservation and conservation. Therefore, it is essential
to accelerate transition to generate long term dramatic
carbon footprint mitigation measures during production
process through the control of embodied energy which is
a determining factor. Small and Medium Scale Enterprises
have still not considered significance of reduction of usage of
energy. Researchers identified consumption of energy being
largely associated with the manufacturing process, reduction of
embedded energy and emissions are extraordinarily connected
to productivity of kW/H of energy consumption. In order to
carry out research goal of implementing barriers of reduction
of embedded energy usage in bricks, responses to thirty-five
questionnaires were collected from brick manufacturing SMEs
registered under the Ministry of Industry and Commerce,
Sri Lanka. Five unstructured interviews were conducted with
relevant professionals in order to ascertain their opinion. These
findings can be used as residue of the research process for the
development of reduction of embodied energy consumption
during productionprocess. Implementationmodel of embodied
energy usage minimizing which is based on the balance
scorecard framework to acceleration transition and can be
used for policy makers to re-think their planning. These findings
could directly benefit any country where bricks manufacture
for construction purposes is being put into practice; in order to
identify factors that would minimize global warming potentials
of brick manufacturing SMEs, while gaining return to the SMEs,
providing benefit to the society and to the environment at large
through sustainable production
Speaker Biography
SampathPDayaratne isthefoundermemberandManagingDirectoroftheAceProperty
& Business Consultants (Pvt.) Ltd. His careers are Chartered Valuation Surveyor, human
& business development professional, researcher, lecturer and trainer. He has twenty
years of working experience in national and international level in both corporate and
development sectors. He has published technical research articles in refereed journals,
refereed conferences proceedings, numerous other papers and monographs.