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Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume: 3
March 20-21, 2019 | London, UK
Materials Science and Materials Chemistry
International Conference on
Polymer - Lipid hybrid nanovehicles designed for synergistic drug delivery for solid tumor
Madhu Gupta
Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University, India
fficient dual targeted chemotherapy is an attractive
approach for killing the tumor cells and tumor endothelial
cells, while sparing the normal tissue. Herein, we investigated
whether encapsulation of paclitaxel (PTX) within polymer–
lipid hybrid nanoparticles conjugated with kNGR (PLNs-kNGR)
achieved this goal in a subcutaneous tumor induced Balb/c
mice bearing HT-1080 tumor model with nanocarrier-modified
biodistribution and toxicity. The dual targeted PLNs-kNGR
was prepared by modified nano-precipitation technique
combined with self-assembly and evaluated for different
parameters. Compared with other tested NPs, PLNs-kNGR-NPs
revealed more cytotoxicity by inducing more apoptosis, higher
intracellular uptake and % tumor volume inhibition rate that
was 59.7%. These findings substantiate the importance of
rational design of nanoparticles for dual targeting synergistic
therapy. As a consequence, the PLNs-kNGR-NPs play a key role
in enhancing tumor therapeutic efficiency for treatment of
CD13 receptor specific solid tumor.