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Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology | Volume 3

J Infectious Disease Med Microbiol

| Volume 3

November 11-12, 2019 | Singapore

International Conference on



International Conference on

Pathology and Infectious Diseases

Pathology and Oncology Research

Joint Event


Background: The Epidemic of antifungal therapeutic

failures against superficial mycotic infections, especially

dermatophytosis is expanding at a rapid pace across South

Asia and beyond. Although the abuse of topical steroids,

inadequate dose/duration of therapy, and ignorance of

other important epidemiological and personal factors

are contributary, perhaps the strongest reason is the

AZOLE MENACE, relatively unknown and ill-understood

phenomenon. In this lecture, I shall dwell upon objectively

on how the indiscriminate use of azoles, in particular, oral

itraconazole is responsible for this regional epidemic that is

threatening to become a pandemic lest urgent rectification is


Unknown Facts Revealed: In this lecture some of the many

azole-related issues will be revealed with evidence-backed


• Patients with tinea visiting a dermatologist are not naive,

rather polypharmacy-abused in more than 90% cases, having

received multiple antifungals especially oral itraconazole/

topical azoles.

• Oral itraconazole is often injudiciously prescribed by primary

care physicians in an inadequate dose/ duration or as multiple

intermittent/ prolonged courses.

The bioavailability/ serum levels of itraconazole are influenced

by at least 15+ inconsistent factors


medications like PPI’s, resulting in reduced bioavailability of

itraconazole when co-administered. The effects of longer

acting PPI’s like esomeprazole may persist up to 4-5 days.

• Dependent on intake post meals and the effect of aerated


• Serum levels affected by drug brand and pellet size.

• The sub-inhibitory concentrations of itraconazole achieved

in patient’s serum significantly increase the likelihood of

secondary azole resistance by selection pressure, since azoles

being fungistatic allow persistence of organisms.

• Theselectionpressure-inducedsecondaryresistanceresulting



is the only drug without a propensity to develop resistance.

• Itraconazole-resistant strains show high levels of cross-

resistance to multiple triazoles including voriconazole and

posaconazole, and often to six triazole fungicides used


• Azole-resistant fungi are more virulent because of the

differences in cell wall composition, increased filamentation

and adherence, and enhanced biofilm formation. Once

acquired, resistance ismaintainedeven in the absenceof drug.

• Primary azole resistance due to their widespread use as

agricultural fungicides, further adds to the azole menace.

This phenomenon, which started from the Netherlands and

rapidly engulfed majority of the European Union, has now

reached the shores of the Indian Ocean. As per the statistics

available from the website of IndianMinistry of Agriculture, in

the 4-year period from 2012 to 2016, there was an estimated

29.5% decrease and 34.2% increase in the consumption of

insecticides and fungicides respectively.

• The spreading azole resistance in superficial fungal infections

resulting in selection of a population of mutants that don’t

respond to any drug is likely to have graver ramifications in


Practical Guidelines to contain & reverse the epidemic:

• Majority of patients with complicated tinea (recurrent/

relapsed/recalcitrant/chronic) who visit dermatologists have

already takenmultiple/prolonged courses of oral itraconazole,

rendering themresistant to any further course of itraconazole;

thus, they should not be given oral itraconazole.

• Resistance to terbinafine on the other hand, acquired

through a rare mechanism, is infrequent, shows restoration of

Sidharth Sonthalia

SKINNOCENCE: The Skin Clinic and Research Centre, India

THE AZOLE MENACE: The dark side of azoles revealed