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Journal of Food Technology and Preservation | Volume 3
March 07-09, 2019 | London, UK
International Conference on
International Conference on
Food Safety and Hygiene
Nutrition, Food Science and Technology
Joint Event
Sima Hamadeh
Haigazian University, Lebanon
Nutri -Food Technology and the making of modern consumer culture
ood issues have assumed a greater public profile in
recent years and nutrition, alternative food networks
and technologies encompassing everything from issues of
taste and food freshness to environmental sustainability,
are increasingly incorporated in reflexive negotiations of
everyday life, mainstream public discourse, and policy
formulation. In today’s modern eating culture, food
decisions are driven by availability, wants and whims,
aspirations, health and ethics. They are strengthened by the
rapid technological changes which affect both the producers
and the consumers. These factors are taken into account
by the food technology and molecular gastronomy sectors,
which are at the highest peak of success nowadays affecting
the activity of production, promoting and trading of food
products. Our culture is changing, and so is how we eat.
This study will address the importance of culture’s impact
on emerging alternative food networks and technologies
that has not sufficiently recognized in the nutrition existing
data. Besides, this research highlights the relation between
the cultural and the political, and the food networks and
applications. Nutrition economics concepts, and the moral,
aesthetic and ecological features of a food economy are
also considered. Finally, these modern features of food
technologies, alternative food networks and the dominant
food culture derived from the global agro-food industry
mark an attempt to build an alternative economy of food
that grounds economic relations in particular social and
cultural contexts, lived out through everyday practices.
Speaker Biography
SimaHamadeh isanassociateProfessorofPublicHealthNutritionandProgramCoordinator
of Nutrition and Dietetic Sciences at Haigazian University, and a senior lecturer in the
University of Montreal-Canada, which were awarded respectively the “Emerald Literati
Network Awards for Excellence” and the “Prix d’Excellence Scientifique Franco-Libanais”
from the Société des Membres de la Légion d’Honneur au Liban & the French Embassy in
Lebanon. She works closely with different ministries, organizations, and Intl institutions.
She has several publications related to public health nutrition and policies, food marketing,
and nutrition communication strategies. She has provided many talks in national and Intl
and associations, and a reviewer for distinguished scientific peer-reviewed journals.
e: Hamadeh
, J Food Technol Pres, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2591-796X-C1-004