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September 06-08, 2018 | Edinburgh, Scotland
Food safety and Hygiene
International Conference on
Journal of Food Technology and Preservation | ISSN: 2591-796X | Volume 2
Food safety in metals contaminated areas, Haut Katanga, D R Congo
T Carsi Kuhangana
, C Banza Lubaba N
, T Muta Musambo
, G Kasongo Tengwa
, L Roels
, E Smolders
B Nemery
University of Lubumbashi, D R Congo
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
The aim of this study was to assess trace metals
level in daily food and his relationship with faeces, urine and
soil metals concentrations in the population of Haut Katanga
Province (DRC).
Participants (70 children and 50 adults) in
different locations supplied duplicatemeals of 96 consecutive
hours, 96 hours total faeces samples, 24 hours total urines
and an indoor and outdoor dust samples in the dry season.
Concentrations of trace elements were measured in all
samples by ICP-MS.
Results and Discussion:
Significant different was found
between the contaminated (C) and reference (R) areas, high
concentrations of trace metals were found in food and soil
of the contaminated areas at different level of significant
((C) versus (R) mean [minimum - maximum] in
(μg.kg-1)); Al:
266685528 [19823100 - 1259732200] vs 53244155 [8983400
- 164797400], Co: 267,513 [82,745 - 1435,186] vs 114,088
[36,142 - 790,335], Cu: 2775,760 [1233,627 - 5125,207]
vs 1849,187 [1051,237 - 3018,073], As: 150,013 [0,018 -
506,513] vs 54,361 [0,018 - 302,538], Se: 165,378 [18,755
- 481,320] vs 98,448 [0,008 - 246,311], Mo: 419,599 [74,131
- 1564,076] vs 243,333 [89,336 - 669,653], Sb: 7,125 [0,012 -
55,606] vs 17,041 [0,012 - 75,456], U: 7,236 [1,223 - 27,952]
vs 3,284 [0,000 - 34,155]. And a linear relationship of metals
concentration in Food-Soil, Food-Faeces and Food-Urine of
contaminated areas was observed and in reference areas
only As (Food-Soil) and Co (Food-Faeces) was in relationship.
Concentration of Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mo and U were also
significant different in food cooked outside in contaminated
areas and we observed a relationship between food cooked
outside and concentration mean of several trace metals in
contaminated areas. The daily intake of trace metals through
food between children (Ch) and adults (Ad) in contaminated
areas was significant different only for Cu and Zn. But these
result hide the real exposure situation especially in children,
that’swhywe estimated the daily intake ofmetals by kilogram
of body weight (kg-1bw) and the result in food showed
that, in contaminated areas, children were twice or more
exposed ((Ch) versus (Ad) mean [minimum-maximum] in
(μg.kg-1bw)); Al: 2899,345 [98,000-15724,000] vs 1248,844
[68,000- 4889,000], V: 1,410[0,000-5,678] vs 0,665[0,119-
2,673], Mn: 120,308[0,000-377,627] vs 55,739[10,665-
141,219], Fe: 621,261[0,000-3122,027] vs 237,727[35,363-
1106,725], Co: 2,876[0,000-15,976] vs 1,104[0,177-3,967],
Cu: 27,626[0,000-91,246] vs 14,932[3,050-37,971], Zn:
214,800[0,000- 581,285] vs 102,505[29,131-222,011], As:
1,483[0,000-4,321] vs 0,498[0,000-1,343], Se: 1,637[0,000-
4,514] vs 0,647[0,039-1,365], Mo: 4,098[0,000-15,445] vs
2,377[0,458-14,378], Cd: 0,310[0,000-0,873] vs 0,134[0,019-
0,402], Sb: 0,064[0,000-0,338] vs 0,032[0,000-0,142] and
U: 0,075[0,000-0,423] vs 0,033[0,006-0,093], through
daily food than adults and in reference areas Al:798,077
[39,000-2653,000] vs 283,833 [36,000-1051,000], Fe:
1464,397[1,757-24,630] vs 158,702[34,180-461,106], Cu:
22,738[4,937-40,404] vs 10,059[34,180-461,106], Mo:
2,635[0,291-6,281] vs 1,352[0,253-5,003], Cd: 0,412[0,055-
0,991] vs 0,127[0,016-0,336] and Pb: 2,475[7,376-0,991] vs
Children are the most exposed and the
exposition is higher in the contaminated areas. The most
important issue is to use research outcome to plead for
sustainable development for without safety environment it’s
difficult to provide safety food.
Speaker Biography
Trésor Carsi Kuhangana was born in Democratic Republic of Congo in 1984. He
is graduate (BAC+6) in human nutrition (2014) and is currently member and
researcher at the Toxicology and Environment Unit of the University of Lubumbashi
in Democratic Republic of Congo since 2015. During 2016 ‐ 2017 he worked as main
investigator in the VLIR project (ZRDC2015PRO90)
Pollution par les métaux et effets
sur la santé publique au Katanga, R.D.Congo
coordinated by the same research unit.
He has a strong interest in Food Toxicology, especially in chemical contamination
of Food. As researcher, a third cycle to increase research skills remain his priority.
tresordivin7@gmail.comTrésor Carsi Kuhangana et al., Food Safety 2018, Volume 2
DOI: 10.4066/2591-796X-C1-003