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September 06-08, 2018 | Edinburgh, Scotland

Food safety and Hygiene

International Conference on

Journal of Food Technology and Preservation | ISSN: 2591-796X | Volume 2

Quality Assessment of biscuit made from walnut/wheat flour


Oni E O,


Badmos A O,


Oyeyipo F M



Elujoba R I


Department of Microbiology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria


Department of Microbiology, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago iwoye, Nigeria


Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Directorate (NAFDAC) Oshodi Lagos, Nigeria


he aim of this study was to determine the effect of

incorporation of defatted walnut on the quality of buiscuit

and increase theutilizationofwalnut.Walnutwasdefattedusing

hydrolic pressmethodof oil extraction. Buiscuitswere produced

from the composite flour blends of wheat (Triticum spp) /

walnut (Juglans regia) in the ratio of 100: 0, 90:10, 80: 20, 70:

30, 60: 40 and 50: 50 respectively. Consumer acceptability of the

buscuits were determined using multiple comparismdifference

test by 10 judges. The sensory test was carried out under the

following parameters flavour, texture, taste and colours. The

sensory result reveal that composite buiscuit with 90% wheat

flour and 10%walnut flour had the highest general acceptability

by the panelists which implies there was no significant in

the buiscuit made from from 90% wheat and 10% walnut

flour and therefore was rated best amongst all the samples



Food Safety 2018, Volume 2

DOI: 10.4066/2591-796X-C1-003

Aflatoxin contamination levels along the Kenyan dairy supply chain are related to husbandry practices

and socio-economic factors


Mutunga Thomas K,


Blache Dominique,


Lanyasunya Titus P



Zoey Durmic


Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya


The University of Western Australia, Australia


Kenya Agricultural and Livestock research Organization (KALRO), Dairy Research Institute (DRI), Kenya


flatoxin contamination of dairy feeds and milk was

investigated in 8 Kenyan regions; Kwale, Kilifi, Nyandarua,

Nyeri, Samburu Uasin Gishu and Nandi. The study was initiated

toassess theknowledgeandpractices of dairy value chainactors

as well as the prevalence and levels of aflatoxins (B1, B2 G1,

G2 &M1) in dairy feeds and milk respectively. For this purpose,

180 milk samples were collected dairy farmers, milk traders

and processors. Additionally, 250 feed samples were collected

from dairy farmers, feed traders and feed millers. Feed and

milk analysis for aflatoxin contamination were conducted using

enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results showed

presence of aflatoxin M1 in 123(67.8%) of the milk samples.

Aflatoxin M1 contamination exceeded the recommended FAO/

WHO0.05μ/L in all milk samples, ranging from1.1 to 107.3μg/L.

100 feed samples (40%) which were all dairy concentrates

were positive for total aflatoxins of which 69 samples

recorded above the 10ppb Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS)

regulatory levels. All the forage grasses (n=80) tested negative

for total aflatoxins while 30 % (n=70) of the crop residues

tested positive for total aflatoxins. Linear regression revealed

a significant association between feed handling practices

and total aflatoxin and AFM1 levels. The results show high

incidences of animal feed contamination along the dairy value

chain which impacts negatively on human health. Regulatory

measures need to be put in place to improve adherence to feed

and milk safety practices across the value chain particularly in

raw materials sourcing, manufacture and distribution of dairy

meal. Government initiatives, effective surveillance systems,

collaboration between the many stakeholders, research

(particularly related to preventative measures), adequate

storage facilities and capacity development and training of the

stakeholders additionally, availability of information on feed

and milk safety standards to dairy stakeholders needs to be

enhanced to ensure safe feeds and milk.
