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March 04-05, 2019 | London, UK

European Nursing Congress

Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing | Volume 2

Community intervention to prevent child maltreatment in England: Evaluating the contribution of

the family nursing partnership

Kevin Browne

University of Nottingham Medical School, UK


The Government in England has recognized the

importance of early intervention to promote positive child

development and prevent maltreatment. In doing so, efforts

have been made to increase the implementation of the Family

Nurse Partnership (FNP) to target a greater number of families

who require intensive secondary intervention.


This paper presents an argument that the FNP

can be targeted more effectively to yield a greater return on

investment. This is based on the re-analysis of data collected

by the largest cohort study carried out into risk factors for child

maltreatment in England.


Currently, around 315 health visitors are estimated

to be implementing this programmed, projected to increase

to around 585 health visitors in 2015. However, targeting the

programmed towards first-time, young vulnerable mothers

with low socio-economic status means that around 1350

health visitors would be needed. Critically, targeting only this

population is estimated to prevent only 10% of cases of child

abuse and neglect.


By targeting risk factors which are less common in

the general population, but which are more prevalent amongst

abusive families, fewer specialist health visitors would be

needed to prevent a higher percentage of child maltreatment.

Keywords: children, cost-effectiveness, population-based and

preventative services

Speaker Biography

Kevin Browne is Chair of Forensic Psychology and Child Health, as well as Director

of the Professional Doctorate Programmed in Forensic Psychology and the research

Centre for Forensic and Family Psychology. He first held academic appointments at

the University of Surrey, University of Leicester and University of Birmingham Medical

School before being appointed as Professor and Director of the WHO Collaborating

Centre in Child Care and Protection at the School of Psychology, University of

Birmingham from 1998 to 2007. He then became the Chair of Forensic and Child

Psychology at the School of Psychology, University of Liverpool (2007 to 2009).
