International Conference on
J u n e 1 8 - 2 0 , 2 0 1 8 | D u b l i n , I r e l a n d
Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry
Volume 2
Page 36
he complete transformation of forest biomass is at centre of our
studies. The patented catalytic process was developed in order
to remove the extractable polyphenols from forest biomass prior
to pulp. The objective of the pre- extraction is dual: to remove the
polyphenols soluble in ethanol-water, which could contaminate the
catalyst used in delignification process, but also to get access to
valuable antioxidant molecules with multiple bioactive properties. We
have applied this process on trembling aspen wood. Components from
pre-extraction step have revealed several polyphenols, some of which
have been determined to have high antioxidant capacity. Organosolv
lignin produced in this research was examined for use as carbon fiber
precursor, as it can be spun both in molten form and from solution,
by electrospinning. The stabilized lignin fiber obtained by spinning in
molten formyielded a high carbon content carbon fiber. Themechanical
properties of the carbon fiber spun fromorganosolv lignin alone, without
any polymer blending, were determined to have mechanical properties
which are better than those published on other carbon fibers based
on lignins. The polyphenolic constituents of lignocelluloses which are
actually defining their woody nature are offering the perspective of very
valuable utilisations. All polyphenols isolated from aspen wood, were
analyzed by FT-IR, NMR, HPLC, GPC, GC-MS, DSC, TGA and XPS.
Tatjana Stevanovic has completed her under-
graduate and graduate studies up to PhD at the
University of Belgrade at which she was teaching
Wood Chemistry and Chemical Transformation
of Wood until 1997. Since then she is teaching
these same cources at Laval University and per-
forming research on bioactive polyphenols as
well as on polymeric applications of lignins. She
has published numerous scientific papers and
book chapters as well as Wood chemistry text-
book. She has deposited a international patent
on new organoslv process leading to highly pure
lignin along with cellulose pulp and bioactive ex-
tractives from pre-extraction.
Tatjana.Stevanovic@sbf.ulaval.caPOLYPHENOLS FROM
Tatjana Stevanovic
Université Laval, Canada
Tatjana Stevanovic, J Ind Environ Chem 2018, Volume 2 | DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C1-001