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Journal of Nutrition and Human Health | Volume 2


October 29-30, 2018 | London, UK

Joint Event

Nutrition and Fitness



International Conference on



World Congress on

Card i o l ogy

Development of nutritious shelf stable cereal bar - An alternating approach to snacks

Ramandeep Kaur

Punjab Agricultural University, India


nrecent years, public foodassociationsaroundtheworldhave

been increasingly worried about the population nutritional

needs. They are promoting a nutritious and wholesome diet

to reduce the occurrence of nutritional deficiency disorders.

Moreover, consumers are demanding healthy and convenient

products. In view of these, cereal bars offer an alternative

source of snacks being high in fibre, protein and other essential

compounds. The aim of present work was to develop a shelf

stable healthy cereal bar high in protein, and a major supplier

of energy by utilising quinoa (40%), brown rice (35%), flaxseed

(10%), dry fruits (such as raisins, dried figs (10%) and almonds

(5%).Honey (50%)wasaddedasasweetener andbindingagent.

Shelf stability of prepared cereal barswere assessedat ambient

conditions for120days inHigh-densitypolyethylene (HDPE) and



(PV), free fatty acid value (FFA), sensory parameters during

storage under ambient conditions were studied. All the results

obtained were statistically analysed. Chemical changes in bar

under different packagingmaterials during storage shown that,

thebar remainedstableandacceptable forentirestorageperiod

of 120 days at ambient conditions irrespective of the packaging

materials used. All the results obtained were statistically


Speaker Biography

Ramandeep Kaur is a second year PhD scholar in food technology at Punjab Agricultural

University, India. She also completed herMS (Master of Science) from the same institute

in the year 2016. Her research problem during MS was based on Development of gluten

free cereal bar for gluten intolerant population utilising quinoa as major ingredient.

Based on it, she had publication in JFST (Journal of food Science and Technology).
