Allied Journal of Medical Research
Volume 2
Page 22
International Conference on
International Conference on
J u n e 2 1 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 | O s a k a , J a p a n
Joint Event on
Chia chi Liu
Sydney Medical School - University of Sydney, Australia
Kolling Medical Research Institute - Royal North Shore Hospital, Australia
asy access to the Na
pump in the cell surface membrane and the
critical dependence of cell survival on the pump has made it is an
attractive therapeutic target incancer. Useof cardiacglycosides havebeen
explored but has turned out to have limited utility due cardiac toxicity of
the drugs. As an alternative we have examined if targeting FXYD proteins
that associate closely with the Na
pump molecular complex might
be useful. FXYD3 is of interest because it is markedly over-expressed in
several common cancers and we have shown that several FXYD proteins,
including FXYD3, are critical for reversal of glutathionylation of the β1
pump subunit, an oxidativemodification that inhibits pump activity.
We hypothesized that FXYD3 protein overexpression protects pump
function against inhibition by the high levels of oxidative stress in cancer
cells typically encounter and a reduction in FXYD3 expression levels would
sensitize cells to chemotherapy and radiotherapy that largely induce
cell kill by increasing oxidative stress. In light of the reported treatment
resistance of overexpressing FXYD3 cancers, results suggest silencing
wild type proteins may greatly strengthen the efficacy of treatments that
increase oxidative stress within tumors. Such increases are commonly
seen with radiotherapy and chemotherapeutic agents. This ongoing study
endeavors to develop amalgamated novel treatments for cancer patients
while alleviating side effects associated with traditional therapy; advance
diagnosis and improve overall patient well-being.
Chia chi Liu is Senior Research Fellow and
Molecular Biologist with expertise in oxidative
protein chemistry at University of Sydney. She
was a Biochemistry Lecturer in Taipei Medical
University Taiwan. She completed MSc in Cell
and Molecular Biology at Taipei Medical Uni-
versity Taiwan, followed by second MSc in Bio-
technology, University of New South Wales. She
then completed her PhD within the Department
of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science, Mac-
quarie University. Her core focus is investigating
the relationship between oxidative stress and
the sodium pump function. Her research inter-
ests include the development of new diagnostic
methods for oxidative damage of the pump; the
discovery of new drugs for heart disease; and
the design of novel therapeutic proteins for can-
cer treatment.
Chia chi Liu, Allied J Med Res 2018, Volume 2