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February 25-26, 2019 | Paris, France



World Cancer Congress

Journal of Medical Oncology and Therapeutics | Volume 4

Anti-Cancer properties of the Foliose lichen,

Heterodermia diademata

(Taylor) Awasthi against Breast

Cancer cell lines

Jijo Francis

Sacred Heart College, India


ature has its own unique ways to solve her problems.

Natural products, especially phytochemicals, are becoming

an important area of research for drug discovery. Of late,

lichens, the consortium between algae and fungi, have drawn

a great deal of attention for their exceptional potential for

curing various diseases. Despite the advancement of science,

cancer treatment is still not satisfactory and effective. It might

reasonably be hypothesized that lichens could contribute to

cancer treatment by interfering with the development and/

or progression of cancer. In the present study, I explored the

anti-growth properties of the foliose lichen,



(Taylor) Awasthi, collected from the Western Ghats

biodiversity hotspot, India. Preliminary investigation of the

cytotoxic potential of

H. diademata

was conducted on Daltons

Lymphoma Ascites (DLA) and Ehrlich’s Ascites Carcinoma

(EAC) in Tryphan Blue dye exclusion method. The anti-growth

effect was tested in human breast cancer cell line MDA-

MB-231 and normal cell line IEC-6 by MTT assay. Cell death

modes (apoptosis/necrosis) were morphologically assessed.

H. diademata

inhibited the growth in a dose dependent

manner up to a dose of 5 to 25µg/ml. IC50 in MDA MB-231

was estimated to be 20ug/mL. Whereas in case of IEC6 IC50

was found to be higher than 60 ug/mL indicative of its potent

cytotoxicity towards breast cancer cell. These results suggest


H. diademata

may induce cell death at very low doses thus

establishing its potential as a promising warrior for the crusade

against cancer.

Speaker Biography

Jijo Francis is doing his Post Graduation


.) in Zoology in Sacred Heart College

(Autonomous), Cochin, Kerala, India.
