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April 15-16, 2019 | Frankfurt, Germany

Oncology Nursing and Cancer Care



International Conference on

Journal of Medical Oncology and Therapeutics | Volume 4

Cancer through black eyes - The views of UK based black men towards Cancer: A

constructive grounded theory study

Betselot Mulugeta

NHS Foundation Trust, UK


Little is known about black African

(BA) and black African-Caribbean (BAC) men’s

views towards cancer; yet culture and acculturation

determine the way in which people understand,

explain and develop their attitudes towards cancer.

Hence, cancer prevention and early detection

strategies may not be sensitive to United Kingdom

(UK)-based black men’s views, affecting their

awareness of risk factors and early detection services.

An evidence-based understanding of black men’s

views towards cancer is needed to effectively target

cancer prevention strategies. This qualitative study

explored the influence of culture on the views of UK-

based BA and BAC men towards cancer.


In collaboration with black community

organisations based in four major cities in the UK, 25

participants were recruited using convenience and

theoretical sampling methods. Data were collected

using 33 semi-structured interviews, and analysed

using grounded theory analytic procedures.


Participants had distinct beliefs concerning

the causes of cancer, which influenced how they

viewed cancer as a whole. Cancer was not viewed

as a purely medical condition. Black men’s views

towards cancer were closely linked to socially

constructed perspectives of themselves, linked

with their cultural and religious beliefs, and shaped

by what being a black male means in society, the

meanings of historical phenomena like slavery,

and the meanings ascribed to social systems and

establishments, including the healthcare system.

Clinical risk factors such as smoking and obesity had

different meanings and symbolisation through black

eyes. There were macro- and micro-level similarities

and differences between BA and BAC men.


Cancer services and related public-

health campaigns aimed at black men need to

understand cancer through black eyes. Public

health campaigns based solely on the clinical

meaning of cancer are incongruent with black

men’s understandings of cancer, and therefore

ineffective at reducing health inequality. Findings

from this study can be used to inform public health

policy makers and healthcare professionals more

broadly, including professionals involved in health

promotion, as well as charitable organisations that

provide services to BA and BAC men.

