Special Issue: Recent Advances in Ophthalmology (Special Issue, 2021)
Abstract P.1-1
The clinical value of modern electroretinography in diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma
Author(s):Herbert L Gould**
Abstract P.1-1
An affordable 200 degree non-mydriatic retinal micro-camera that (RETINALCAM) is capable of imaging the peripheral retina to detect early signs of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) for mass screening
Author(s):Jerry Katzman*
Abstract P.1-1
The forgotten aspect of the lacrimal function unit, corneal nerves
Author(s):Scott E. Schachter*
Abstract P.1-1
Advances in biometry and IOL calculation
Author(s):Alfonso Anania*
Abstract P.1-1
Asymptomatic eye diseases masquerading refractive error
Author(s):Vasu Kumar Garg*