Biology & Medicine Case Reports

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Special Issue: Superspreaders: Superspreading an Epidemic Event

Superspreaders: Superspreading an Epidemic Event

Journal of Biology and Medicine Case Reports pleased to announce Special issue on “Superspreaders: Superspreading an Epidemic Event.”

According to a report in the Chicago Tribune Scientists have now discovered some people are more infectious compared to others. The people who are more infectious compared to others are called “Superspreaders.” People who infect a disproportionate number of individuals are defined as superspreaders. It can be a consequence of simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time or social habits or genetics.

“Superspreading epidemic events” could be driven by or further worsened by those who carry the virus. Thus, figuring out ways for identifying spreading events or how to prevent situations such as crowded rooms, where there are chances of superspreading to occur, is very crucial. So people can be taking care of these things by maintaining social distancing and by following safety measures. Also encourage family members and friends to talk with them using smartphones or live video chat or others.

With the same purpose our Journal “Biology and Medicine Case Reports” is announcing Special issue Call for a paper on “Superspreaders: Superspreading an Epidemic Event”. We welcome both solicited and unsolicited submissions that will contribute to this special issue.

Submission Process

• Special issue articles can include both original unpublished research articles and review articles related to the specific theme

• Manuscripts will be accepted for publishing in the special issue only after getting approved by the peer review committee

• All the articles in special issues should strictly adhere to journal style and formatting

• Special issues are intended to be released with limited no. of articles

• All accepted manuscripts can be submitted online via or through an email id to

• Submission should be accompanied by a cover letter with reference to the concerned special issue theme. Please visit Instruction for authors page to know more about article formatting and guidelines:

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