Journal of Clinical and Experimental Toxicology

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Toxicology Impact Factor

Toxicology within the normal redox state of cells can cause toxic effects through the assembly of peroxides and free radicals that damage all components of the cell, including proteins, lipids, and DNA. Oxidative stress from oxidative metabolism causes base damage, also as strand breaks in DNA. Base damage is usually indirect and caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated, e.g. O2− (superoxide radical), OH (hydroxyl radical) and H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide). However, excess ROS production can damage lipids, DNA, and proteins which may cause necrobiosis. ROS-induced damage underpins various oxidative stress-related human diseases and aging. In addition, the cellular antioxidant defenses may decrease during aging which lands up in age-related increase of ROS and oxidative stress. Excess ROS also can activate the proinflammatory signaling pathways and therefore the release of multiple inflammatory mediators, like cytokines, chemokines, eicosanoids, et al. . Therefore, oxidative stress is implicated in the pathogenesis, development, and progression of a sustained inflammatory state.

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