The Cell Membrane
It is a thin semipermeable membrane that surrounds cytoplasm. It also acts as cytoskeleton in many organisms. It is composed of proteins and lipids. Phospholipids are major components of the cell membrane. The lipid bi layer is semi permeable. It is also called as plasma lemma or cell wall. Its performances as a barricade between the cytoplasm and external environment. Online Journals are scholarly and peer reviewed journals. The journals offer opportunity and inspires scientists, researchers, academics, engineers, and practitioners’ overall features to share their professional and academic information within the fields computing, engineering, humanities, economics, social sciences, management, medical science, and related disciplines. Online Journals also aims to succeed in an outsized number of readers worldwide with original and current research work completed on the vital problems with the above important disciplines.
High Impact List of Articles
Vascular lesion of the lip treated with a diode laser: A case report
Cinzia Casu, Riccardo Botta, Carla MannuCase Report: Biology & Medicine Case Reports
Vascular lesion of the lip treated with a diode laser: A case report
Cinzia Casu, Riccardo Botta, Carla MannuCase Report: Biology & Medicine Case Reports
A case series of over-hydration in making baby formula -Importance of the metric
Okpodu CM and Pyuzza SOCase Report: Biology & Medicine Case Reports
A case series of over-hydration in making baby formula -Importance of the metric
Okpodu CM and Pyuzza SOCase Report: Biology & Medicine Case Reports
The relevance of balance assessment to detect balance deficits in obese
subjects: A cross sectional study.
Ibrahim AA, Mohamed AMR, Kamel EM, Youssef RFM, Al-Mathour RSOriginal Article: Biology & Medicine Case Reports
The relevance of balance assessment to detect balance deficits in obese
subjects: A cross sectional study.
Ibrahim AA, Mohamed AMR, Kamel EM, Youssef RFM, Al-Mathour RSOriginal Article: Biology & Medicine Case Reports
X-linked colour vision deficiency (CVD) in some government school children
of Nepal.
Sushil K, Sushma D, Rani GOriginal Article: Biology & Medicine Case Reports
X-linked colour vision deficiency (CVD) in some government school children
of Nepal.
Sushil K, Sushma D, Rani GOriginal Article: Biology & Medicine Case Reports
A smooth brown snake-skin like hemispherical bulge in the stomach
Lu Qiao, Wenting Zhong, Mimi Zhou, Shiyang MaImaging Brain: Biology & Medicine Case Reports
A smooth brown snake-skin like hemispherical bulge in the stomach
Lu Qiao, Wenting Zhong, Mimi Zhou, Shiyang MaImaging Brain: Biology & Medicine Case Reports
Conference Proceedings
Cardiometabolic risk factors in children with Celiac disease on a gluten-free diet
Francesca OliveroScientific Tracks Abstracts: Current Pediatric Research
Cardiometabolic risk factors in children with Celiac disease on a gluten-free diet
Francesca OliveroScientific Tracks Abstracts: Current Pediatric Research
Ayesha JScientific Tracks Abstracts: Hematology and Blood Disorders
Ayesha JScientific Tracks Abstracts: Hematology and Blood Disorders
Chronic itching unmasking extra mammary Paget disease in a celibate patient
H Y Fanomezantsoa, C Sophoclis, G Barletta, A M Kebaili, A Sakho, N R Hasiniatsy, H Rabarikoto and O DahmaniPosters & Accepted Abstracts: Research and Reports in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Chronic itching unmasking extra mammary Paget disease in a celibate patient
H Y Fanomezantsoa, C Sophoclis, G Barletta, A M Kebaili, A Sakho, N R Hasiniatsy, H Rabarikoto and O DahmaniPosters & Accepted Abstracts: Research and Reports in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Effect of rubidium in human cells
Y ThangamPosters & Accepted Abstracts: Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Effect of rubidium in human cells
Y ThangamPosters & Accepted Abstracts: Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Importance of ethnobotanic survey in Tamanrasset (Saharan region) in the south of Algeria face to climate changes
Chabane DjamilaPosters & Accepted Abstracts: Allied Journal of Medical Research
Importance of ethnobotanic survey in Tamanrasset (Saharan region) in the south of Algeria face to climate changes
Chabane DjamilaPosters & Accepted Abstracts: Allied Journal of Medical Research