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Biodiversity Online Journals

Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ) is a system peer-assessed, open access journal, planned to enliven conveying, spread and sharing of biodiversity-related data of any kind. Each and every helper part of the articles – text, morphological depictions, occasions, data tables, etc – are managed and taken care of as data.

The journal disseminates papers in biodiversity science containing requested, floristic/faunistic, morphological, genomic, phylogenetic, characteristic or biological data on any taxon of any land age from any bit of the world. BDJ targets organizing data and record in the article substance to the most extraordinary degree possible. Helpful data reports that help graphs, speculations and results should in like manner be dispersed with the article or kept in trusted in open access data stores. The journal gives rich biodiversity data import and toll workplaces through the ARPHA Writing Tool and Darwin Core Archives.

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