About The Journal Open Access

Journal of Public Health and Nutrition focuses on latest research on the dietary needs of population, nutritional aspects for disease prevention, social and behavioural science to develop, to evaluate and implement policies that promote general population health and well-being.
Journal of Public Health and Nutrition communicates the scientific studies and theoretical explorations on nutritional intake under diseased conditions, dietetic behaviors, nutrition interventions and policy and wide range of fields that influence malnourishment, over-nutrition and nutrition-related communicable and non-communicable diseases.
Journal of Public Health and Nutrition is an international open access journal where the published peer-reviewed articles are available freely for the readers, and does not levy any subscription charges. The Journal is indexed in PUBLONS and Google scholar.
- The average Article turn-around range 30-45 days
- Acceptance to publication time 5-7 days
The Journal provides wide range coverage of relevant topics including Communicable diseases, Child and adolescent health, Global health, Health education, Primary medical care, Health status indicators, Biostatistics, Body Mass Index-BMI
All formats of science communications are solicited such as Original research articles, Case reports, Mini reviews, Commentaries, Short communication, Image articles, Special issues, Thesis, editorials and letter to the editor.
The complete editorial processing right form the manuscript submission takes place on the Online manuscript submission and Editorial Tracking System including the reviewing and quality tracking of the manuscripts. The journal follows single blind peer review process and at least two independent reviewer's approval followed by the Editor acceptance is required for the publication of each citable manuscript.
Manuscript submission
https://www.scholarscentral.org/submissions/public-health-nutrition.html or via e-mail to the Editorial Office publichealth@ehealthjournals.com
Professional researchers or academicians with significant scientific contributions are welcome to join The Editorial boardby sending their Curriculum Vitae (CV) along with brief biography to publichealth@scholarcentral.org
Articles published in Journal of Public Health and Nutrition have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Public Health and Nutrition has got h-index 7 , which means every article in Journal of Public Health and Nutrition has got 7 average citations.
Just Published Articles View More
Research Article February 22, 2024
J Public Health Nutr: 6(6): 1-10
Fish as a significant source of nutrients
Muhammad Yasir Naeem, Zeliha Selamoglu*
Short Communication November 07, 2023
J Public Health Nutr: 6(5): 1-2
Colorectal cancer: Understanding, prevention, and treatment
Thomas Klen
Mini Review November 07, 2023
J Public Health Nutr: 6(5): 1-2
Understanding pneumoconiosis: Causes, symptoms, and prevention
Sun Shen
Opinion Article November 07, 2023
J Public Health Nutr: 6(5): 1-2
Childhood obesity: A growing epidemic and its complex causes
Philip Morrison
Editorial November 07, 2023
J Public Health Nutr: 6(5): 1-2
Gestational diabetes: Navigating pregnancy's unexpected challenge
Kristin Wing
Perspective November 07, 2023
J Public Health Nutr: 6(5): 1-2
Low birthweight and macrosomia: Balancing the scale.
Caroline Jones