Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation

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Waste as a Resource: Waste utilization and eco-cultural ethos of India

8th International conference on Recycling, Pollution Control and Waste Management
August 06-07, 2021 | Webinar

Satya Prakash Mehra

A Rajputana Society of Natural History, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Environ Risk Assess


???Waste??? is treated as the discarded matter from the modern society of humans. It is the most common feature of the consumerist world which follows the concept of ???Use & Throw???. On the contrary, the indigenous and the customary laws of the Indian culture nullify the concept of wastage. The eco-traditional approach of Indian society states the utility of every matter into one or the other form for the well being of the nature. Every form of state adds the value for particular format. This is well understood by the concept of ???upyog??? (utilization). The present study reviews the age-old eco-cultural customs and traditions which could prove to be the solutions of present day challenges of waste management. Further, using the concept of ecotraditions, the action research was executed and a concept was developed which could be a proven solution in the field of site-specific interventions for converting waste as a resource especially when it matters with the revenue generation. The approach not only gives a solution for waste management but also provide solutions for the well-being of people and the planet, thus, providing steps towards the UN SDGs 3, 6, 7, 11-15. The present outcomes are based on the investigation of the waste disposal sites with respect to avifauna to develop as conservation sites for birding; executed action for conversion of the waste disposal sites into green (&/or blue) space; and developing a site with a plantation of economic importance through phytoremediation to mitigate the challenges of waste water. The approaches are exemplified from the human settlements (urban, rurban, rural); individual housing; institutional sites; waste dumping sites; and industrial sites. This has also given a new approach of Enviropreneurship programme for the youngsters or the small scale units acting as an additional source of income or revenue generation.


Satya Prakash Mehra is a trained Environmental cum Development Professional with an experience of over 23 years in Asian, African & European nations in association with different platforms in different capacities. He achieved his academic degrees [UG (BSc), PG (MSc), and Doctoral (PhD)] with the Environmental Science as major subject followed by the legal knowledge [LLB, LLM (Human Rights - Env. Rights)] and other associated certificate courses and executed the knowledge in the development sector for the nature conservation and the well being of humans. With the contributions of over 200 as scientific research articles and popular articles, he sensitized the stakeholders towards the challenges. He achieved several honors and awards for his grass root actions in the field of conservation and environment protection.

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