Urogynaecology services at Lahore, Pakistan: 2019 update
Joint Event on International Conference on Palliative Care, Obstetrics and Gynecology & International Conference on Stroke and Clinical Trials
February 28-March 01, 2019 | Paris, France
Nazli Hameed , Muhammad A
Shalamar Medical & Dental College, Pakistan
Keynote : Res Rep Gynaecol Obstet
This presentation would aim to cover the struggle to establish urogynaecology services in an under resourced country, where maternal and perinatal mortality are still the staggering issues. The quality of women’s life is still not a priority. I shall start from how we started creating awareness amongst the community, primary health care physicians, secondary and tertiary health care providers. The work presented will include the workshops and conferences conducted and papers presented at national and international forum and Urdu translation of commonly used IUGA patient information leaflets. The range of urogynaecology problems seen in the last 18 months with a referral centre at Lahore, the work done to help out those patients including fistula victims, Pelvic organ prolapse, interstitial cystitis, stress urinary incontinence and it’s surgical managements, Live videos of surgeries performed will be presented, especially for the patients who have had repeated failed attempts at surgical correction by the ill trained people and the difficulty in winning their confidence for a facility as attractive as a free fistula camp conducted by a highly skilled group at our Lahore centre.
Nazli Hameed earned various Gold medals in academic performances and COAS Gold Medal as best graduate year 1989, FCPS (CPSP), FRCOG (UK), Diploma in Minimal Access surgery (University Avergune, France), Clinical fellowship in Urogynaecology and MAS (NUH Sg), Clinical fellowship in Assisted conception (UCLH, UK). She established urogynaecology services in Army followed by Shalamar hospital, Lahore. In the last one year She has participated in 3 international conferences, one as a speaker, 2nd as a workshop organizer and 3rd as a participant. She has conducted 1 nationally and 2 internationally accredited workshops at Shalamar Medical College regarding urogynaecology and free fistula camp in collaboration with IUGA and Pakistan National forum on women’s health and hold post for Fellow representative at International representative committee of RCOG in Pakistan. She is actively involved in Urdu translation of patient information leaflets at IUGA website and is a member editorial board of PAFM.
E-mail: nazlihameed1@gmail.com