Towards 2025 National Packaging Targets
7th International Conference on Recycling and Waste Management
October 03-04, 2019 | Melbourne, Australia
Brooke Donnelly
Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO), Australia
Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Environ Waste Management and Recycling
In response to China’s National Sword, Australia’s
Commonwealth, state and territory environment
ministers, and the President of the Australian Local
Government Association, agreed to establish a sustainable
path for Australia’s recyclable waste. With regards to
packaging, Ministers agreed to reduce the amount of waste
generated and make it easier to recycle products. As a first
step, Ministers announced a historic target to make 100% of
packaging in Australia reusable, recyclable or compostable
by 2025 or earlier. In 2018, Ministers committed
governments to work with the Australian Packaging
Covenant Organisation (APCO) to deliver this target.
The Implementation Plan for the 2025 National Packaging
Targets has been developed in the context of increased
attention on waste policy in Australia and internationally.
This heightened focus is a result of increasing concern
about the environmental impacts of packaging waste, such
as the harmful effects of marine debris.
Recently the Federal Government committed $3m to
support four new recycling education and resource
recovery projects in Australia, which are being delivered
by APCO and Planet Ark Environmental Foundation. The
funding is part of the Federal Government’s $203m package
to increase recycling and reduce waste, protect Australia’s
unique threatened species and restore our waterways and
coasts, and will provide essential resources and support to
drive the delivery of the 2025 National Packaging Targets.
APCO’s presentation will detail how our priority projects
and collective action model are driving a circular economy
for packaging which will result in reduced packaging waste
and pollution, and improved product lifestyle management.