Journal of Agricultural Science and Botany

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Tissue culture for conservation of medicinal plants - current trends and strategies

3rd Annual Congress on Plant Biology & Agricultural Sciences
April 04, 2022 | Webinar

Remya Mohanraj

Houston Community College, USA

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Agric Sci Bot


Medicinal plants have helped heal mankind from time immemorial. Various plant parts continue to be harvested for medicinal purposes. This combined with indiscriminate overexploitation and natural challenges faced by some plants for seed germination has lead to the loss of invaluable medicinal plant biodiversity. One of the very effective techniques in the preservation of beneficial germplasm is plant tissue culture. Plant tissue culture offers the potential to produce a large number of plantlets starting from a small amount of tissue. From when it was first introduced till today, there has been considerable advancements in the strategies used for micropropagation. The current discussion is focused on reviewing the present trends and the wide variety of strategies used in the in vitro propagation of medicinal plants that could ultimately lead to their conservation.


Dr.Remya Mohanraj earned her doctorate from Bharathiar University, India. Her area of research includes plant tissue culture, phytochemical analysis and isolation of therapeutic biomolecules from medicinal plants. She has been teaching college students for more than 15 years and has held several leadership roles viz. head of the department, course director and aassistant registrar. She has served in the academic council and board of studies and facilitated curriculum development and curriculum changes. In addition, she had initiated and significantly contributed to the development of various laboratories and is a recipient of three grants. Dr. Mohanraj is a reviewer and editorial board member in various International scientific journals. She has published 24 articles in scientific journals and has presented in 26 scientific conferences. She has authored 7 book chapters and is currently a Faculty in the Department of Biology, Houston Community College, Houston, Texas, USA.

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