Journal of Diabetology

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The possible role of diabetes in the etiology of Laryngeal Cancer

Joint Event International Conference on Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Syndrome & Annual Summit on Diabetes, Obesity & Heart
March 07-08, 2019 | London, UK

Roberto Menicagli and Ortensio Marotta

Roma Biomed Research, Italy Naples University, Italy

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Diabetol


Laryngeal cancer and oral cancer are not always correlated with genetic mutations, HPV infection, smoking, and alcohol abuse. In the absence of these risk factors, there is an increase on these cancers with a parallel increase of diabetes. The aim of this study is to verify if diabetes could be a risk factor for the laryngeal cancer. A questionnaire was given to a group of ninety laryngectomees to verify if these patients have presented diabetes and xerostomia before surgery. In two groups, diabetics and healthy persons, the values of the salivary mucins and the pH were evaluated. The results were statistically analysed using Fisher Exact Test and Chi square Test. Diabetes is a risk factor: p= 0.0445 for laryngectomees male vs control group. Xerostomia in laryngectomees male is a risk factor: p= 0.050. The values of mucins and pH in diabetic group show significant difference: p=0.05 vs control group. In all autoimmune diseases, a decrease in the value of pH and salivary flow consequently decreases the value of spinnbarkeit which measures the capacity of the mucous layer to adhere to the epithelium and alter the protective oral mucin layer. We find that diabetes is epidemiologically correlated with laryngeal cancer. In fact, only diabetes increases the concentration of salivary mucins with a formation of mucin layer even more reduced, and so completely ineffective in protecting the mucosa.



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