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The impact of the pandemic situation on the psychological and physical well-being of pregnant women in Kosovo

7th International Conference on GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS
June 28, 2022 | Webinar

Jehona Luta

Maternal and Child Health National Expert, UNICEF, Kosovo

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Res Rep Gynaecol Obstet


The pandemic situation has caused a psychological, social, and economic disruption worldwide, especially for pregnant women who have had additional stress. Therefore, to see the impact of the situation we created a survey and delivered it to pregnant women throughout Kosovo. The participants in the survey (60%) concluded that the situation caused by COVID-19 has caused them additional stress during their pregnancy and around 70% of all participants think that the stress conducted by this situation is affecting their fetus in one way or another. 43.8% of pregnant women concluded that they are scared to go to their routine obstetric visits to the doctor because of the risk of getting infected and 77% of them think that if they get infected with the virus their pregnancy is at risk. Around 32% of surveyed pregnant women have difficulty sleeping and 50% of them need more moral support from medical personnel to explain the risks of the virus. More than 85% are not engaged in any physical activity or walk outside to mitigate the risk of getting infected.
Recent Publications:
1. Sahadete Shala, Lumturi Merkuri, Astrit Gashi, Jehona Luta, Hypertensive Disease in Pregnancy - A Retrospective Study


Jehona Luta completed her Master’s at the age of 22 years from the University of Prishtina, Kosovo. She is a full-time maternal and child health national expert in UNICEF Kosovo. She has various publications that she authored or co-authored in various journals.

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