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The effect of cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation on the quality of life and self-esteem (botulinum toxin overview)

2nd Euro-Global Congress on Melanoma and Skin Diseases
August 31-September 01, 2017 London, UK

Talah M Akkari, Eman M Sanad and Sherein H Abdoulrahman

Benha University, Egypt

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Med Oncl Ther


When there are disfiguring facial lesions, the overall emotional well-being of an individual can be significantly affected, contributing to a decrease in social functioning, productivity at work or school and lowered self-esteem. We to assess the level of self-esteem and degree of satisfaction in patients who went through cosmetic procedure using self-answered questionnaire. One thousand volunteers were included in this study. They were of both sexes, aged from 20 -70 years. All participants should have had a past experience of at least one cosmetic procedure. * Results: Most volunteers supported the cosmetic procedures. Some of them were supportive due to improvement of the quality of life, others were interested by self- assurance which led them to be bolder and handle with others and have happier marital life. Aesthetic procedures improve the quality of life and self-esteem of most of the volunteers. A respectable number of the populations are seeking for cosmetic procedures; hence dermatologists have to have more information about cosmetic procedures, their proper application, indications, contraindications and side effects. Looking for cheaper, less painful and more prolonged effect of cosmetic procedures is required. On the other hand, Botox was the most frequent procedure done by Saudi volunteers as the largest category of them was at the age range of 40-50 years where nearly all of them have dynamic wrinkles and at the same time can afford the expenses of Botox. Botulinum toxin-upper face is used mostly in (Glabella wrinkles, Lateral canthal lines, Forehead lines, and Upper nasal bunny lines). We will discuss botulinum toxin types, diluation, injecting techniques, tricks, recommendation, contraindications and disadvantages.


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