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Stem cell for diabetes and joint pain

International Conference on Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering
November 07-08, 2019 | Melbourne, Australia

Pravin Patel

Dr Pravin Patel’s Innovative Hospital & Research Center PVT. LTD., India

Keynote : J Res Rep Genet

DOI: 10.35841/2591-7986-C1-001


The Stem cell technologies and the therapeutic areas in which stem cells find many applications on challenges in clinical complication and therapy. The research provides a market insight into the ever progressing and debatable market of stem cell research segmented by type, technology and therapeutic area. Stem cells by type are further classified into adult stem cells, embryonic stem cells, and cord blood stem cells. Stem cell research by technology is segmented into stem cell transplantation, cell based genomics, xenotransplantation, cord blood banking, and other. The therapeutic applications of stem cell research are analyzed by area into neurology, bone and cartilage, cancer, hematology, cardiology, diabetes, dermatology and other. Projections and estimates are graphically illustrated by geographic regions encompassing North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and rest of World.

Cellular Therapies: Many newer applications are still undergoing development. In some cases, like spinal cord injury and heart attacks, the cells are directly injected into the damaged tissues. Some of the benefits experienced appear to be due to new blood vessel formation, which restores blood flow to damaged tissue. As these treatments develop, we expect to see umbilical cord blood stem cells used in different ways. In some cases, the stem cells will be treated in the laboratory to make new cell types before use. In other cases, they will be delivered directly into damaged tissue.

Future of Stem cells: The list of stem cell treatable diseases continues to grow at a rapid pace. With the potential to become different cell types, scientists are exploring the possibility of using cord blood stem cells to treat some of the most common life-threatening diseases such as heart diseases and stroke. Thus, by saving your baby's cord blood you can give your child access to his/her stem cells for such cellular therapy in the future.

Now the technologies like regeneration of the organ by means of a strategy to address the problems like shortage of organ supply in terms of tissue matching, GVHR, short supply of donors, and other ethical issues. The recent technology application of 3D printing integrated technology for creating an organ using autologous stem cells will be the future of stem cell technologies.


Pravin Patel has expertise in evaluation and passion in improving the health and wellbeing of patients who is being suffering chronically through alternative medicine. His openness to accept the new development and acceptance of new innovative technologies to address the problems of the patients. His vast experience in Lifestyle related complications and age-related complications. His constructive suggestions and directions create new pathways for improving healthcare. He has built these treatment strategies after years of experience in research, evaluation, and administration both in hospital US and India.


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