Joint Event on Global Congress on BIOTECHNOLOGY & Annual Congress on EMERGING MATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY
September 06-07 , 2018 | Bangkok , Thailand
Yash P Khanna
Innoplast Solutions Inc., USA
Posters & Accepted Abstracts : Biomed Res
DOI: 10.4066/biomedicalresearch-C4-011
While most major corporations around the world have escalated their efforts in recent years on improving the environmental impact and sustainability via several routes, some break-through concepts have only lately emerged. For example, converting land and forest wastes into chemicals; the latter besides numerous uses serve as building-blocks for plastics and reducing-capturing-converting the harmful greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) into chemicals. These revolutionary concepts are expected to take environment/ sustainability efforts to new heights. This presentation will begin with a review of the historic emergence of the bio-based plastics industry starting with an era of waste management via biodegradation followed by a period of very high petroleum prices and proliferation of technology pipeline to develop traditional and new durable polymers, and now again through times of lower petroleum pricing/shale gas revolution. Despite turbulent events, reasons for steady-growth of this industry forecasted to be 34Blbs/year by 2020, will be highlighted. Emphasis of the presentation will be on how the field of polymers and chemicals is being rejuvenated via non-fossil raw-materials that are: biobased-sustainable or air-landocean pollutants; thereby leading to preservation of petroleum resources, reduction of air-land-ocean pollution, and utilization of free/undesirable raw materials.