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Renaissance in medicine

4th International Conference on Alternative Medicine
July 15, 2022 | Webinar

Vuk Stambolovic

University of Belgrade, Serbia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Pain Manage Ther


A profound change is emerging within contemporary medicine. This change has quite a few analogies with the profound philosophical and societal changes that developed in Europe between the XIV and XVII centuries, known as Renaissance. We could conclude that there is an ongoing process within medicine that we could call The Renaissance in medicine. The analogies with classic Renaissance could be found at the first step of each transition – increasing complexity. They could be found in similarities between theological and medical mechanistic dogmatism confronting the change. They are present as well in the development of humanism opposing the permanent reproduction of the mechanistic way of thinking. The further development of the Renaissance in medicine is depending on the development of medical and scientific pluralism, acceptance of the principle of wholeness, and developmental transformation of therapists and others willing to take part. Keywords: Medicine, Renaissance, medical pluralism, vibrational medicine
Recent Publications :
1. Vuk Stambolovi?? (2016), Medicine – heretical issues, Medical Theory, Practice & Reference.
2. Vuk Stambolovi??, The social acupuncture-in meaning – Stimulating flow through the community, J Regen Med 2019, Volume: 8, ISSN: 2325-9620.
3. Vuk Stambolovi??, Alternative Medicine During Millenional Transition.


Vuk Stambolovi??, retired associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade, former director of the Institute of Social Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade – is a pioneer in the local promotion and institutionalization of alternative medicine. This engagement originated from the framework of social medicine and the consequent study of human rights and health, and could be presented as social acupuncture, i.e., as stimulating life flows within the immediate and wider community.

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