Psychological intervention in women with non-metastatic breast cancer: Cochrane review
7th World Congress on Breast Cancer
November 01-02, 2017 | Toronto, Canada
Ghufran Jassim
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Bahrain
Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Med Oncl Ther
As survival rates have improved with advances in medical care, the importance of psychiatric interventions designed to assist cancer patients in dealing with diagnosis and treatment has increased. There are four major categories on interventions described most frequently in the literature. These are educational techniques, behavioural training, individual psychotherapy, and group interventions. We have some knowledge of the effectiveness of psychological interventions on psychiatric outcomes such as depression and anxiety. We know much less about cognitive impairment, employment, quality of life and relationships. Even where we have evidence, it is mostly of only moderate quality, is most often only for breast cancer and focuses almost exclusively on the early phase of survivorship. There is little research into the needs of minority groups and certain cancers, such as lung cancer and the less common cancers. Most study samples are simply too small to give robust results. A wide variety of measures have been used with little consistency between studies making the combination of data across studies problematic. Research may be needed to work out how to implement these interventions in everyday practice. There has been a substantial amount of research describing many of the psychological interventions employed for the cancer survivors. However, the quality of the evidence is often poor, and some topics have been little examined. We need data and robust testing of psychological interventions in clinical trials obtained from well-designed, large-scale studies.