Insights in Nutrition and Metabolism

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Proteins, catabolism, and sepsis: A literature review

15th World Congress on Advances in Nutrition, Food Science & Technology
September 11-12, 2017 Edinburgh, Scotland

Macarena L Fernandez Carro

University of Manchester, UK

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : Insights Nutr Metab


Sepsis and its progression, septic shocks are multi-organ failures caused by a complication of an infection. These cases are characterized by an increase in the nutritional requirements and this leads to a catabolic state. This shows a negative nitrogen balance which demonstrates the use of body muscle is metabolic substrate for energy production. This fact leads to a malnourished patient with increased mortality rates. Nutrition in the septic patient is a complicated topic not only for the acute component of the disease but also due to the location and the nutritional misconceptions of the medical team. Investigation in this field is very limited and mainly specific amino acids have been studied but a complete nutritional approach to the patient could lead to a correction in the catabolic state. By correcting the catabolism, we would not only improve the nutritional status of the patient but also improve and/ or correct the metabolism. This could lead to appropriate metabolic pathways and better outcomes.


Macarena L Fernandez Carro is qualified as a Nurse by the University of the Basque Country in 2014 and already possessed an interest in the nutritional management of patients. Obtaining a Master of Science in Nutrition for Health promotion while working as an Intensive Care Nurse triggered her passion for the septic patient. Now, she is studying Medicine at the University of Manchester while working in ITU units across the North West of England. She is focused on improving nutritional management from a nursing perspective and she is involved in education and training in this field

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