Prevention of pressure ulcer: When, where, who and why start with prevention of pressure ulcer
Joint Event on 2nd International Conference on Wound Care, Tissue Repair and Regenerative Medicine & World Congress on Microbiology & Applied Microbiology
February 21-22, 2019 | Paris, France
Jasmina Begic
University Clinical Center Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Keynote : J Trauma Crit Care
Introduction: Seventeen percent of hospitalized patients have
or will end up having a PU. In the worldwide geriatric population,
71% of patients ≥ 70 years have PU. Pressure ulcers (PU) is skin
breakdown and continuum of tissue damage localized injury
to the skin. Intrinsic factors: Immobilization, cognitive deficit,
chronic illness (eg, diabetes mellitus) poor nutrition, use of
steroids, aging. Extrinsic factors (pressure, friction, humidit,
Characteristics: Pain, infectious complications, prolonged and
expensive hospitalizations, persistent open ulcers.
Treatments: Why? Increased risk of the death. Associated with
the development of pressure ulcers. HOW? PREVENTIONS.
WHERE? Intensive care unit (ICU). Postoperative care begins
immediately after surgery. Includes pain management and
wound care!!!
My choice is: INTEGRATIVE HEALTH & MEDICINE Integrative
Medicine is the Medicine of the Future (concludes of
International Congress (ICIHM) in Stuttgart, 2016).
Jasmina Begic is a medical consultant for BIOPTRON, Zepter International for Bosnia and Herzegovina, founder of Association for Wound Management in B&H, founder and author of Euro-Asian Forum, one of founder of BALWMA. She is currently working as a dermatovenerologyst in Bioptron International team -Wound Healing. She finished her graduation and post-graduation studies at Medical School of University Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and completed her PhD in the field of tissue regeneration and wound healing from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. She is also active member in UEMS TF WH, EWMA, EADV.