Journal of Nutrition and Human Health

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Prevalence of risk factors associated with overweight-obesity detected by impedance in university students Barranquilla Colombia

Joint Event on 17th International Conference on Nutrition and Fitness & 2nd International Conference on Gastroenterology and Digestive Disorders
May 23-24, 2019 | Vienna, Austria

Carmen Carrero Gonzalez, Gloria Lastre- Amell, Maria Alejandra Orostegui, Linda Ruiz Escorcia and Leandro Sierra Carrero

Universidad Simon Bolivar, Colombia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Nutr Hum Health


Introduction: A high percentage of body fat is considered a risk factor that predispose to the development of cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndromes and other chronic noncommunicable diseases, these are the main cause of death worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) between 2014 -2015, found around the world that adults 18 years and over 39% overweight and 13% with obesity.

Objective: It was to determine the levels of blood pressure, body fat, visceral and the prevalence of overweight - obesity (according to body mass index), included as indicators of health risks, in university students. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study in a sample of n = 86 students taken at random, 76 female and 10 males between 18 and 33 years belonging to different study programs, who were taken blood pressure levels and measurements of weight, height, percentage of body fat, visceral, determination of (BMI) through electrical bioimpedance.

Results: For the female sex, the body mass index obtained a higher percentage in the category: Normal (53.5%), followed by an overweight (19.8%), for the masculine sex, the category prevailed: Normal ( 4.7%), followed by similar results in the category of overweight and obesity grade I, (3.5%) For body fat, a higher percentage was found in the female category: Very High (41, 9%), while for the masculine sex the category prevailed: Normal (7%), similar results were observed for visceral fat in both sexes. In relation to the blood pressure figures, Normal High figures were observed in the male sex.

Conclusion: In the female sex, body and visceral fat prevalence was observed, unlike the male sex, it is necessary to complement the body mass index with body and visceral fat measurements.



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