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Positive electrization of the US oceanic coast and its effect on human nervous activity

10th International Conference on Neurological Disorders and Stroke
September 13, 2021 | Webinar

Yuri Pivovarenko

Centre Physical and Chemical Materials Science Under NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Brain Neurol


As a result of the interaction of the Gulf Stream (Figure 1, red arrows to the right of North America) with the vertical component of the geomagnetic field, which is directed downward in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, positive charges are concentrated on the western side of this sea current (as a result of the Hall effect [1]). For this reason, the land, water and air of the US east coast are constantly saturated with hydrated protons. In addition, as a result of the interaction of the California Current (Figure 1, downward blue arrow to the left of North America) with the same vertical component of the geomagnetic field, positive charges are concentrated on its eastern side. For this reason, the land, water and air of the west coast of the United States are also saturated with hydrated protons. Since this is undoubtedly important for completeness of the description, it should be additionally noted that an increased concentration of hydrated protons occurs on the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico and on the eastern and western coasts of Florida (of course, this is also the result of the interaction of the incipient Gulf Stream with the vertical component of the geomagnetic field. Let us discuss how the increased concentration of hydrated protons on the east, west and south coasts of the United States determines the characteristics of the nervous activity of the people who live there. First of all, these features are associated with the fact that glucose is transported across the cytoplasmic membranes by means of symport the intensity of which is stimulated by an increased concentration of extracellular protons, which create a “proton drawing force”.


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