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Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of regorafenib as metastatic Colorectal Cancer treatment within Russian healthcare context

12th World Cancer Congress
July 23-25, 2018 | Moscow, Russia

Alexey Cheberda

Center for Pharmacoeconomics Research, Russia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Med Oncl Ther


By prevalence, colorectal cancer occupies third place among the malignant oncological conditions in men, and second in women. Regorafenib presents significant clinical interests due to having demonstrated efficacy in both patients with wild-type and mutant-type KRAS gene, especially in patients demonstrating progression despite chemotherapy, use of anti-VEGF and anti-EGFR treatments. This pharmacoeconomic research was carried out to evaluate use of regorafenib in wild-type KRAS patients with metastic colorectal cancer patients who have shown progression on anti-VEGF or had counter-indications to anti-VEGF therapy and who have not received but could receive anti-EGFR treatment. A model was constructed to carry out budget impact analysis of regorafenib compared to cetuximab and panitumumab. Sensitivity analysis and lost opportunity analysis were also performed. Treatment length was accounted for, and relevant randomized clinical trials were used as sources of data in this regards. It was found that 1 month of therapy on regorafenib is associated with lower spending than any of the alternatives, with full course of regorafenib amounting to 292 thousand rubles per patient, which is 481 thousand roubles (62%) lower than full course of cetuximab and 676 thousand roubles (70%) lower than treatment with panitumumab. Budget impact analysis demonstrated that inclusion of regorafenib in ONLP system would allow to reduce budget spending by 261,98 million rubles during first year, 255 million roubles on second year and 248 million roubles on the third year. Sensitivity analysis confirms the stability of the results. These results indicate that expansion of regorafenib’s use in colorectal patients in the Russian federation would be associated with reduction in spending, and its inclusion in ONLP woulr result in reduction of budget burden associated with government guarantees of free medical help. It should also be noted that unlike all other alternatives regorafenib would also be able to adequately address the needs of patients with mutant KRAS that currently have limited therapeutic options in ONLP context.



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