Journal of Pathology and Disease Biology

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Pathology - unsplashed in a world of rapidly growing field the complete product experience with intent of experience of joy and lovability of what one does as a pathologist

International Conference on Pathology and Surgical Pathology
September 06-07, 2018 | Edinburgh, Scotland

Sujatha Siddappa

Institute of Nephro-Urology, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Pathol Dis Biol


Remember that it’s just not renal pathology, respiratory pathology or gastrointestinal pathology of stuff like subject specific like forensic pathology or cytological pathology either it’s a cocktail or blend of the above in addition to marked limitation of geography, legalities ethnicity and religious variation. This talk will not do justice without training for what is not. Training where there is no right or wrong decision. This is an area which is traditionally caught between conservative practice and tradition. The mind set was perfect for the go of the nineties but self-destructive today. The trainees today should be smart people who can work anywhere. It should be an act of power building a culture of freedom and responding.


Sujatha Siddappa has qualified in Pathology, pain and palliative care, human resource management, law regarding fundamental rights, waste management currently pursuing masters in hospital management. Over the last 2 decades and more of pathology practice she has gradually swerved towards renal pathology and GU pathology in the last 10 years. Her forte of interest includes clinical pathology, cytology histopathology, with focus on renal and GU pathology. She has had a good innings in her publication related to GU pathology which have reached out to highly engaged audience with Google scholar and research gate credits nearing 500 reads in the last couple of years and citations.


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