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Non-epithelial Ovarian Cancer - NCI study

7th International Conference on GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS
June 28, 2022 | Webinar

Ashraf Sobhy

National Cancer Institute (NCI) - Cairo University, Egypt

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Res Rep Gynaecol Obstet


Background: Non-epithelial cancers of the ovary are uncommon. Malignancies of germ cells, sex cord stromal cells, metastatic ovarian carcinomas, and a number of incredibly rare ovarian cancers, such as sarcomas and lipoid cell tumors are among them. About 10% of all ovarian tumors are non-epithelial malignancies. Reviewing the five-year management of non-epithelial ovarian cancer at NCI Cairo University was the goal. Objective: To review the management of non-epithelial ovarian cancer in the NCI Cairo university during a period of 5 years. Materials and Methods: Retrospective study with 114 patients who had non-epithelial ovarian cancer diagnosed and treated. The department of cancer epidemiology and biostatistics provided the data. Results: Out of 114 patients, 25(21.9%) were benign and 25(21.9%) were borderline malignant, 55(48.2%) were malignant and 9(7.89%) of them were unpredicted biologic behavior. The median age of the study population was 49.7 years (range 14_83years). Panhysterectomy was done in 77(67.5%) of the patients; ovariectomy and debulking were done in 22(19.3%; salpingo-oophorectomy was done in 10(8.8%) of patients and cystectomy was done in 3(2.6%), and 2 cases underwent biopsy. Conclusion: Sex cord-stromal tumors and malignant germ cell tumors are the most common non-epithelial ovarian cancers. These tumors frequently, but not always, exhibit side effects from either androgen or oestrogen overproduction. The overall prognosis for early stage illness in all histological subtypes is often extremely excellent, making early diagnosis of these masses crucial. Initial surgical resection is used to treat both ovarian malignant germ cell tumors and sex cord stromal tumors. Malignant germ cell tumors of the ovary as well as sex cord-stromal tumors can both be treated with fertility-saving surgery. Both expectant management and adjuvant chemotherapy are options for postoperative management, depending on the pathology diagnosis and stage of the disease. It is advised that all patients with non-epithelial ovarian cancer be regularly checked for signs of the illness returning.
Recent Publications:
1. The annual conference of National Cancer Institute - Cairo University "Bridging Gaps in Oncology" : InterContinental Citystars Cairo hotel. 3 - 5 November, 2021. J Egypt Natl Canc Inst. 2022 Mar 21;34(Suppl 1):15. doi: 10.1186/s43046-022-00106-7. PMID: 35307810; PMCID: PMC8934599.
2. Gamil M, Murad M, Ali el din NH, Zakaria AS. Fibroepithelial Breast Tumors: Cohort Study. Tumori Journal. 2020;106(1_suppl): 39-39. doi:10.1177/0300891620914176


Ashraf Sobhy had obtained his MSc degree (2013) and MD degree (2017) in Surgical Oncology at National Cancer Institute (NCI), Cairo University. He worked in several hospitals beside NCI. Now he works at 57357 Children's Cancer Hospital, Egypt. He is an author of many papers and also a member and speaker in many national and international conferences. Ashraf Sobhy had obtained his MSc degree (2013) and MD degree (2017) in Surgical Oncology at National Cancer Institute (NCI), Cairo University. He worked in several hospitals beside NCI. Now he works at 57357 Children's Cancer Hospital, Egypt. He is an author of many papers and also a member and speaker in many national and international conferences.

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